Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ice Age


No sooner had we rejoined the Paris Climate Accords than the climate changed. Yes, it became much colder, with freezing mist and drizzle. 

This quickly turned to ice, and I wasn't surprised, we hadn't paid our weather tax. So, as ye reap, so shall ye sow. Still, tax logic and our rainbow IRS notwithstanding, it was chilly.

It is now, as Blue heads out into the frozen tundra of what was once Texas, and I thank God for a down vest. Yes, it's not easy, but remember, diamonds are created under pressure.

Your Frozen Pal,



  1. Diamonds we may be, but this one is a bit of a rough cut...

    Snowing here.

  2. We need to pull back out. It's been a while since we've seen 20 degrees. It's 5 right now and supposed to get colder.

  3. 7° this morning. Guess we didn't pay our tax either. sigh

  4. Brig, it's FREEZING. Not used to it...

  5. Jim, it's like a POLAR VORTEX. Will this small country town survive?

  6. But Adrienne, we must pay our weather tax. Our overlord's mansions aren't built on thin air, you know. Unless by thin air we mean USD$, but that's another sermon.
