Sunday, February 14, 2021

Happy Valentine's From The Ice


Global Warming slammed North Central Texas this morning like a T34 opening fire on the Unter Den Linden or maybe the Tiergarten. Not that it looked like much to start with, just a light dusting of snow; Calgary in April sort of thing. But not so fast, scorners. Beneath the snow lay ice.

Blue Kodiak was eager to get out and off we stepped, skidding across the frozen tundra that was once a furnacelike temperate Texan town. Undaunted by biting, subzero wind we made it to the Shamrock, an Irish filling station owned by Nepalese and staffed by Mexicans. I like it because it's near, has an owl deity idol and good coffee, perhaps the best of its kind in town.

Shamrock complete, back into the icy blast and deserted streets of a farming settlement  blasted by the scourge of Climate Change. It was colder, if that were possible, on the way back to the Compound, but we powered through, thank Gaia.

After Morning Prayer I called on an elderly member of the flock to see if she needed anything. Yes, ground beef, beef broth, an onion and a bottle of wine. She was fixing to make soup. A short and very slow drive to the supermarket later, she had her supplies. Without charity, you see, everything else is but a noisy gong and a clanging cymbal.

SovCom Armor in Berlin

Priests, and everyone else, take note. It's very easy and very enjoyable to get behind a cause, to pick up Martel's warhammer and lay waste to heretics, malfeasants and apostates. And quite right too, it's a target rich environment and the Faith needs defending. But the exercise becomes a hollow, white-washed sepulcher of a  pharisaical sham  unless grounded in divine love.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the warhammer, especially against the Bolshevik devil. But remember, the substance of the Faith is God Himself, and He is love. Evil cannot withstand its, His, inexhaustible fire, I am that I am. Of course I preach to myself.

Happy Valentines!



  1. I hope Blue enjoyed the snow and ice as much as our Beagle did. Loved to do his impression of an ice skating maniac twirling and spinning on the ice. Maybe Blue is getting a little old for that.

  2. The Christmas Day 2000 ice storm was unforgettable. East Texas, SE Oklahoma, SW Arkansas and NW Louisiana covered for days. Trees looked like artillery targets from WW2. Four different electric companies working together. Neighbors looking out for neighbors, too. Lots of that. But, hey, that's what we do.

  3. And the greatest of these is charity.

  4. Nowhere near your league but I try to be kind and helpful to my neighbors. Too often, the phrase, "No good deed goes unpunished", seems to prevail. When that occurs, I remind myself it is the doer, not me, that has a problem.

  5. Aside from calling that aggressive woman in Costco and "idiot", I've been pretty good this week. Thing is, she was an idiot, and she started it, so nah, nah, and nah.

  6. Glad to hear you made it safely, Parson.
    That weather is headed to Louisiana. Hard freeze thru Tuesday.

    Be safe and God bless.

  7. Applied Christianity, or none at all, right, Parson?

  8. He's a little old for that Kid, but he managed a few good skids!

  9. I missed that one, Sgt, but this is pretty epic. I like it, though it's messed up services...

  10. Adrienne, I understand. Sometimes you just have to tell it like is.

  11. Not much point in lip syncing, WWW.
