Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Buy Low Sell High


$DOGE had a bullish day hitting .038 with a promise of .04 before falling back to a sturdy .037 and then rising after hours back to .038. Unlike XRP which pumped and dumped 50% over the last two days. By contrast, everyone's favorite dog-faced crypto held its own and then some. Have a look:

Here's the longer picture, before the adorable Shiba  gained in value, again.

Look at that chart. It says standing on the runway ready for take off and 8 million WSB autists look favorably upon this dog. Do the math. So convinced by fundamentals and market sentiment I bought MOAR $DOGE. Look, Blue's trust fund isn't going to build itself. 

Let's see how this play works out, and I tell you, I'm holding, diamond, to the Moon.

Your Pal,




Note Doge at 203:


  1. Dogecoin will soar. How could it not? If enough people buy it, you can buy Switzerland as your own personal winter vacation spot.

    Now that you're in, convince the rich Austin liberals that it's the next big thing. Lucerne, here you come.

    1. $DOGE just hit .05, LL. This pup's barking and I'm holding, all the way to Switzerland and the Moon 🚀🚀🚀

  2. I don't understand any of this (and not wanting to learn) but wish you the best of luck!

  3. LOL, agree with WSF, I know enough to NOT get involved. That is why I pay a professional...

  4. Kid, YES!

    btw, doge was hitting in the .05s a little earlier. I think this puppy's got potential.

  5. WSF, let's see what tomorrow brings, but I'm in it for the long haul.

  6. To THE MOON LSP ! I'm not selling below 32 Grand. :)

  7. I know nothing, NFO, but I recognize a lovable dog-faced crypto when I see it. Let's see how this dog runs, or falls asleep and digs in the garden...

  8. PS, Now we need to learn how to Start our own Crypto. Lets make ours a cat !
