Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Morning Covfefe


Just enjoying a delicious mug of hot morning covfefe here at the Compound.

Have you tuned in the virtual inauguration of the most popular president figure in the history of popularity? Not to worry, neither has anyone else, which is really weird because everyone loves him, especially all the soldiers.




  1. I watched Trump arrive in Florida and saw Gaga walk down the stairs in the hideous cheap dress with a bird crapping on the front. Then I turned it off.

    Had to make emergency run to vet for pain meds for Frankie doggie. He bruised his front leg doing zoomies and a teeny pain with him is a screaming catastrophe. He's resting now while we wait the 1-2 hours for the medicam to work. Me? I'm heading for the valium bottle.

  2. Needless t say I didn't watch. I doubt many democrat voters - real or imagined, did either.

    Has anyone heard of someone, anyone being upset they couldn't attend in person?

  3. I didn't think GaGa looked good either, Adrienne, but then again, neither did the sham inauguration.

    Sorry about the doggie, Blue's furiously begging for "treats." Hmmmm. Valium? I think we all need a triple dose of something.

  4. Today is one of the days I rejoice in not having a television (going on ten years now).

  5. WSF, haven't had one of those agitprop boxes in a two decades. Do I miss it? No.

    PS. Pro Bullrider? You mixed with... characters... nice.

  6. It's a mell of a hess, and no refining it.

  7. Let's be honest. The 25,000 troops in DC were there just to prevent Biden from wandering off.......

  8. Infidel! I think you need a copy editor. Surely you meant, "...just to protect the most loved President in our nation's history from unhinged, evil, white supremacist, seditious, insurrectionists." There, fixed it.
