Monday, December 14, 2020

US Election Zappa Special!


Yes, that'd be all.



  1. Ruth Underwood missed her tweezer flash...

    Well, I have my zircon encrusted tweezers cleaned and at the ready.

  2. I remember back-in-the-day when Guitar Player magazine interviewed him and he said he tried to write with extra space in each measure so he could put 9 notes where there should be 8ths, 17 in place of 16ths, etc. You can hear some of that in this if you pay attention. Thinking like that is probably where the names for his kids, Dweezle and Moon Unit, came from.

    After the military I tried the hippie musician thing but for me, being stoned and broke all the time was too much work, so I quit that gig and got a real job instead. No regrets, either.

  3. Adrienne, Thompson Falls looks VERY pleasant.

  4. And Kid, every other wrangler would think me very grand.

  5. WWW, I applaud your wisdom. Still, a great solo, imo.
