Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Tom Sawyer


Do you like the awful Canadian(?) pop band, Rush? I don't, especially, but I do enjoy Tom Sawyer. Good work, boys.




  1. LL says your tastes are eclectic. Try this.

  2. I love that, WSF. Postworthy. Unlike Rush, which is sketchy...

  3. I've always liked this tune. You might also enjoy another by Rush - <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eK1hmDpa8bo >La Villa Strangiato</a>

  4. The lyrics make very little sense to me.

    No, his mind is not for rent
    To any god or government.
    Always hopeful, yet discontent
    He knows changes aren’t permanent –
    But change is...

    I didn't post them all, obviously, but enjoying Rush may mean that I'd need to drop acid to completely understand it. Maybe it's not about understanding, though and if I short circuited my brain - what if it was all for nothing?

    There is a Sunday Sermonette coming for the New Year on VM and it may feature a Hillsboro landmark... (shameless plug)

  5. The voice of their lead vocalist always reminded me of fingernails on a blackboard.

  6. To be honest, I'm a stranger to this type of rock, but it WAS kinda fun!! And I liked the winter setting outside! And I love how they all had to wear earphones!!

  7. LL, the lyrics are beyond inane.

  8. Weird you should say that, Jim. I ran the song past a friend last night and she said, famously, "Like fingers shrieking across a blackboard."


    Oh well, there goes Tom Sawyer :)

  9. jdb, you may well be fortunate in being a stranger to Rush but... I'm with you. The winter setting seems cozy and inviting and the ear protectors sensible. WELL DONE!

    But, per LL, the lyrics are annoyingly inane. Like the tune tho.
