Monday, December 28, 2020

Just Taking a Break


Unlike Satan, I try to take some time off after Christmas and usually fly to Calgary, which is fun but wasn't on the cards because of the China Virus. So I pointed the rig at Dallas and went there instead. Big fun, presents, dogs, and family, and a delicious rib roast. 

The roast became a beef and mushroom pie on Boxing day, but that was after a haircut at Ramone's and a pint of Guinness at Cannon's.

Cannon's advertises itself as an Irish Pub and serves Irish style food, like bangers and mash, chicken curry and an "Irish Breakfast." The breakfast costs $18. 

We all went to Mass at St. Matthias on Sunday, and it was good to sit in the pew as incense rose like the prayers of the saints. I like that church and its Rector, and we made plans to go skeet shooting in the next week or so. Always fun to get out and blast away at the clay adversary.

And that, punters, is the story of that.




  1. Sorry about your trip this year, LSP. You could always fly to North Idaho - it's sort of close to Calgary ;-)

  2. It's nice to take a break and hang out. Everyone gets tired of the same old grind and the holidays offer a change of pace. Visit, have a nice warm meal, and so forth. In places in the US that makes you a 'superspreader'.

  3. A trip to Idaho would be fun, Adrienne! And of course you're always welcome here.

  4. LL, I haven't taken a Sunday off in over a year, since J graduated Benning last November. So it made for a pleasant change.

    No, we didn't wear made in China masks at Mass, or anywhere else.
