Saturday, December 19, 2020

Fight For Trump

I'd say this short infovideo speaks for itself, but to drive the point home there's this, the wildly popular Democrat candidate. Look, here he is, behold the 80 million vote enthusiasm.

C'mon man! We're supposed to believe this rich old crook won the presidency by many millions of votes, more than any other person in the history of US history?

Go on, you're having a larf,



  1. They are pushing their agenda...They don't CARE if we believe it or not, they won... Sigh

  2. Yup. As I have remarked elsewhere, we win of lose everything right here, right now. If this theft is allowed to stand, the last legitimate election the U.S. was 2016. Ever. We are feet wet in the middle of the Rubicon. Still, a lot can happen between now and January 20.

    We must stop the steal. STS. KAG. Save the World.

  3. Agreed. They think, NFO, that they have this and don't give a damn what we think. That kind of overweening pride leads inevitably to hubris and its avenging angel, Nemesis. Quite how that plays out remains to be seen, but it will.

    Of course^^^ serves as a parable for the nation writ large, which is more than a little terrifying.

  4. 100% with you, RHT. On that score, January 6 may prove interesting.

  5. If Trump decides, will the security agencies follow or oppose?

  6. Ed, that's exactly the question and let's extend it to the military. I don't know, though I feel LL, who does know about such things, is less than sanguine. I might be wrong on that, though.

  7. Well it seems that US politics has replaced Hollywood in terms of entertainment. Had Trump run the country better there might be a big ground swell behind him, but it doesn't seem to have happened.

  8. McConnel threw up both fingers to 70 million Trump voters, will Cruz follow suit on Jan6 ?

  9. Anon, I'd say you're right in the x-ring with Hollywood, but popularity? He won over 2,400 counties to Biden's 477, which is remarkable. The rally vids weren't photoshopped. Was/is he popular with the GOP establishment, to say nothing of their friends across the aisle and the msm? Hardly. Let's see how this thing plays out.

  10. Good question, Kid. I'd like to say he won't, but... situation developing...

  11. As the President himself said, it is a coup.

  12. Absent some constitutional maneuvering that I don't see enough critters in the Congress having the courage for, we will be in the position of having to choose between chowing down on that poo sandwich, or destroy the village in order to save it.

    Me no likey this.
