Sunday, November 29, 2020

You Don't Know What It's Like?

Note Wolf.

Feelz good, man,



  1. Women SHOULD never want to go to a drive-in movie with a wolf. Things happen. I can't explain it fully. You have pizza there, and a cooler with beverage, the show is on the big screen and that should be enough for the wolf. But it never is.

  2. Hard to see a movie in a drive in when the windows are all fogged up, or so I've been told.

  3. I know this dates me to a lesser time, LL, but I've never been to a drive-in movie. I feel bad about that.

    Speaking of wolves, we clearly need at RV with Juliette at LHF's in London. OK, the original's gone, apparently, but still. Let's pass on Trader Vic's...

  4. That's just the thing, WSF, I've never been to one. But maybe America's lost something in their absence?
