Thursday, November 19, 2020

Breaking - Racial Recognition Says Michelle a Man

H/T LL: Amazon's bizarrely dystopian facial recognition software's uncovered an uncomfortable truth, that Michelle Obama may not be "Michelle," but "Mitchel," a man.

High Caste Hindus and right thinking people everywhere agree, it's an issue and a big one. Don't say "Adam's Apple." Say, "down at the trough like a millionaire socialist pig."

But what do you, the reader, understand?

Open Forum,



  1. We will hear a lot of her and Barry sermonizing in a Joe and Ho tag team administration. It's depressing, LSP. I hope that President Trump can pull a rabbit out of a hat.

  2. Whatever he/she/it may be, they're an ugly, hateful, arrogant, elitist PIG of a "human being".

  3. There was a picture I say - didn't snag it - of Barackus and his "friend" Michael something, and Michael had a noticeable scar / mark / deformity on his right arm. And then a picture of Michelle. SAME THING.

    What "bothers" me is that you'd think SOMEBODY would have leaked evidence of this by now.

    I remember, back in... I want to say 2012, Rick Perry was in the GOP primary, and within 48 hours or so of his entering the race, some reporter got ahold of Perry's college records.

    NOBODY has a copy of Barackus' records. NOBODY. Let's assume Michael became Michelle. SOMEWHERE there has to be a copy of that "transition"... somewhere. And then where did the kids come from?

    You know, it'd be interesting if someone, as the two girls are out and about, could get a "casually discarded" DNA sample, and compare it to Obama's half-brother's DNA (IIRC he's offered it).

  4. While I'm in agreement with the other commentators, their daughter are adopted.

  5. I love to watch Melania walk in stilettos.

  6. Have they done a comparison with other Primates besides humans yet?

  7. I'm confused, LSP, and defer to your expertise on the subject, me being a relatively uneducated layman and all. Which are we living in now, Sodom or Gomorrah? Or are have we somehow achieved dual citizenship?

  8. WWW, that's an excellent question. As an experienced theologian I have to say "dual citizenship." Well spotted.

  9. TNW, to your point, have you seen the interesting Obama infographics which came out of Russia?

  10. WSF, have you seen the photos of Hunter lining up?

  11. But N, Barckus is the anointed one.

    Don't say birth certificate.

  12. LL, same here. The thought of the kleptocrat #MillSoc elite running the country is... difficult.
