Sunday, October 11, 2020

Math is Racist

όταν  ό δαίμων άνδρΐ πορσύνῃ κακά, τον νουν εβλαφε πρώτον ώ βουλεύεται 

Did you know mathematics is racist because it "inherently carries human bias"? At least that's what the Mathematical Association of America thinks. Reflect on this homely, perhaps familiar scene.

There you are at the local pick 'n steal where you've been charged the outrageous sum of $8.60 for a pack of Marlboro Lights, and a coffee refill in your indestructible Yeti 20 Oz Tumbler. You hand over a $10.00 bill. 

So far so good, but thanks to your inherent racism you expect a sturdy Fascist $1.40 back in change. Whoa, El Jefe, Generalissimo! But you can't help it, it's the way you've been raised by white supremacy. So when you're given $1.00 back in change you'd better suck it up, you unrelenting, literal Nazi.

And why? Because according to rainbow logic people of color can't do math. If you think that's somehow racist you'd be right, which brings us back to the old axiom, Viz. Everything the Left attempts to effect produces the exact opposite of its intended result.

When a demon (δαίμων) plans harm (κακά, let the reader understand) against a man, he first damages the mind of the person he plots against. Or in military and concise Latin, quos deus vult perdere prius dementat, those whom god wishes to destroy he first makes mad.

Listen, if you can, to the beating wings of the Harpies before they dive into silence.

Your Classical Buddy,



  1. Can't give change, Parson. Don't you know there's a coin shortage? ;-)

    Well, I praise God and give Him the glory for showing mercy on Louisiana during hurricane Delta. It could have been much worse.

  2. I always thought that 2+2=4 was suspect. No allowance is made in this simple equation for reparations to the descendants of civil war veterans who freed slaves. There were a lot of fatherless children and widows after that war and it's time that black people kick in to make things right.

  3. $8.60 per pack? When I quit some years back, a carton ran to $5. Let's see now, I was a heavy smoker usually consuming two packs a day. Today's price here is around $60 per carton so every five days I'd be spending $30 driving my health into the ground. In a year's time I'd spend something like $4380 on them, enough to buy a really nice rifle and pistol. I know what I'd rather have.

  4. That 40 cents went towards reparations. Duh.

  5. Linda, the new cashless society will be a microchipped utopia!

    Glad you weathered the storm.

  6. Yes, LL. 2+2=4 is clearly racist. Of course reparations are tricky without jobs, therein lies another calculus.

  7. Jim, I can't argue with any of that math, even though math is demonstrably racist.

  8. Dammit, Fredd. I hadn't thought of that but now I get it. And my laughably incorrect leftist axiom was wrong, badly wrong. It should've read: The MORE you're taxed the RICHER you become.

  9. People who can't do simple math now have something external top blame it on.

  10. Math, grammer, manners, anything that requires intelligence or proper upbringing is of course racist, because the opposite is unattainable for those poor souls being spawned in democrat crazed environments.

  11. Ed, I'm not great at math, sometimes we don't see eye to eye. Yet another reason to join the nearest Marxist collective farm.

  12. It's kind of weird, Kid. The Dems are doubling down on commie and while I scorn that, I especially SCORN the fact that it's backed by corporate greed and personal grift.

    What a gang of canting, phony, bought and paid for, faked up hypocrites.

  13. It gets your attention whether you like it or not.
