Monday, October 12, 2020

Do You Remember Punk Rock?

What! That's not Punk Rock! Apologies to Lemmy (RIP) and Hawkwind, but do you remember Punk Rock? I do and I didn't like it at the time, with notable exceptions, like the Stranglers. Whatever, Punk Kingpin impresario Johnny Rotten's come out again in favor of Trump.

Joe Biden is, in all practicality, senile, and delinquently senile. My wife has Alzheimer’s — I know the symptoms,” Lydon said in the BBC interview.


Who knew Phil Lydon aka Johnny Rotten had such wisdom? He joins erstwhile leftist pop icon Morrissey, who loves Trump and hates open borders and NWO oppression. 

To be honest, I always scorned the appalling "Smiths." You'd go by some student's room humming Urban Guerilla like a good 'un, and there was a kid lying on his bed with a hand over his his eyes, listening to Meat is Murder. Pathetic.

Well said Mr. Rotten, and previously despised Morrissey. Let's see 45 become 46.

Rock on,



  1. I never identified with the punk rock crowd, and to be fair, they never identified with me, LSP. What did I miss by not joining in the counter-culture? No pierced nipples, eyebrows or dick here. No multi-color hair or hate tattoos. I do have a leather jacket - kangaroo - bought in Pusan Korea when I was there for work, but it doesn't qualify as "punk". And the music struck me as 'noise'. Frankly, I've had a lot of noise in my life, which is why I moved to a place where there is no noise except wind through the pines.

    So I remember punk. Yes I do. And I'm glad that they support President Trump.

  2. If you listen to that kind of 'music' with the idea of punching out the notes on a piano using one finger, the melodies reveal themselves as quite simplistic, kindergarten level in fact and today's 'music' fit the bill also.

    Well, I for one needed a Palate Cleanser.

  3. Yes, I remember punk rock, never liked it. Johnny Rotten and the Sex Pistols - just sounded like a bunch of teenagers in their mom's garage who never quite took enough music lessons to get the job done.

    I was more into ABBA back then. I know, that's not much of an improvement...

  4. Ah, LL. You've never struck me as a "punk" and this latest message confirms it.

    I never much liked their awful music, to be honest, always wondered why everyone else did. As time's gone on I like some of it more than I did. The Stranglers smash hit "Let me Tell you About Sweden" is particularly good.

    Johnny's voting preference has got the lefties most riled up :)

  5. Kid, what a great palate cleanser!

    But speaking of stupid keyboardists, check out the Stranglers. I like Golden Brown, but that's just me.

  6. Fredd, curious thing -- Motorhead recorded in Abba's studio. Not sure what that says about either band. Hmmmm.

  7. Mr. Rotten does seem to, unlike most rockers, not be out of his rocker. Good for him.

  8. Can't say I'm into the Stranglers. How about some Tubes ?

  9. Wait, the audio was messed up in that last one, Try this Tubes

  10. Small squawk.
    Let's see 45 become 46.
    When reelected he will still be 45 as is the 45th President of the United States. Spare us whoever 46 is for another four years, please!

  11. Right on, Infidel. Well done, Mr. Rotten.

  12. Whoa, Kid, the Tubes! Nice one, and I did a compare and contrast with their Winterland show in '78. Both were good, imo.

  13. The Tubes were very underrated.

  14. A very good squawk, WSF. Right on. Mind you, maybe Pence would do well, or Ivanka :)
