Friday, October 23, 2020



President Trump unleashed a storm of indignation and outrage when he stated in last night's presidential debate that children were smuggled into the United States by "coyotes."

“How the hell does a coyote bring a whole human across the border?! Lord-----stop talking,” blasted Georgia State Representative Dar'shun Kendrick on social media.

Other Blue Check celebrities took up the cause, ripping Trump for ignorance and stupidity. 

But here at the Compound we have to ask, do these influencers have no knowledge of basic zoology? Coyotes are very capable of taking children, even infants, across our southern border.

Gingerly, in their teeth.

Fast, at a run!

On their backs.


Have these people lost their minds, is someone bribing them to be so incredibly stupid, are they mind-bendingly ignorant, or all of the above? Whatever the case, we want to help, charity demands it. So here's a helpful infographic:




  1. Coyotes taught me to play Flamenco guitar and make Pollo Fajitas. Later on the Mescal Margherita. I owe much.

  2. It's not that someone is paying them to act that stupid. They literally are that stupid.

    If you care to notice, all the blue-checkers are serious city-folk. The type that thinks Central Park is a wilderness (and, yeah, Central Park has 4-legged coyotes...)

    It's almost like if someone has a blue check next to their name, it means the complete opposite. Which is a typical Leftist thing, take a word and twist it around 180 to the absolute opposite meaning.

  3. People really are that's staggering....

  4. Somebody needs to pour some bleach into the progressive gene pool.

  5. Good call, Beans. But whoa, that's mighty stupid.

  6. drjim, I'm afraid you're right. Have they no knowledge of canine zoology?

  7. A bit like the Tide Pod craze a few months back, LL. Good thinking.
