Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Bridge of Sighs


Totally re-addicted to shooting now and guess what? Can't get any ammo because the commies have gone hog wild in a Dem electoral ploy. Thanks a lot, Bolsheviks. Bridge of sighs.

Speaking of which, I always used to like this song. Turn up the volume and listen to the electric wind blow. Breezy! 

In other news, Biden's Crack Pipe is shaping up to be a neat cartoon character.




  1. I had this Robin Trower album back in my misspent youth. This song was a little slow for me, the rest of the album was good.

    Dem skulduggery and malfeasance will continue through the election, and ammo availability will of course suffer. More the reason to grab the fishing pole, and get in touch with that guide who knows where the monster stripers lurk.

  2. Definitely a favorite along with the tune that follows.


  3. I'm presently husbanding my ammo, which means less shooting. I've taken to shooting black powder recreationally because it's a slow shoot.

  4. Saw Trower do that one live back in theday.

  5. Don't Fear the Reaper, LSP. Someone much smarter than me has me so turned on to the song that it reverberates all day long in my pea brain - and I thank him!

  6. Fredd, it does seem slow today. As for the Dems, well, they're apparently just heating up to a full scale revolution. Or something like that.

    I totally get the striper point. Good call.

  7. I used to really like that song, Kid. The followers cool too.

  8. I like the idea of black powder, LL. You mentioned it a few years ago at the range and the call resonates more and more.

    And with you on conserving ammo.
