Friday, October 9, 2020

All Hail The Empire


Behold the glory of Lord Curzon and the Raj. Of course people, especially the English, say the Empire was a terrible, heinous thing, because medicine, roads, no slavery, schools, law and all the rest was wicked and racist, unlike suttee and thugee.

And you know what those things mean. Chucking living widows on funeral pyres and strangling people, to the tune of 20,000 a year to the goddess Kali. Wicked? Yes. Racist? Hardly, it was homegrown, but don't talk about the equitable caste system.

Regardless, if you go to Trafalgar Square, even now, you'll be struck by the triumph of the thing, an exuberance of Union Jacks. I love that and I suspect a lot of English people do too, even as they're scorned by the dead hand of Blairite globalist leftism.

So, fire Cressida Dick, Sadiq Khan and all the other comsymp lefties who've taken over the sceptered isle with a view to destroying it.

Your call, Great Britain. Rise to it, please.

Emp. Ind.



  1. Dinesh D'Souza has frequently pointed out the upsides of colonialism.

  2. The Brits don't have it in them to take the chance of being accused of Racism or one of the off colored Phobias.

  3. If, for no other reason, props to the British Empire, along with the French Overseas Empire, for doing a very efficient job of keeping the crazies in their box.

    And God Save The Queen, while honoring Liz (one of the last of the breed), will always also honor Vicky.

  4. So that empire we kicked out, twice, was actually a good thing.
    OK :)

  5. DDS has a way of making good points, AOW. And btw, I won't forget that Mass intention.

  6. Apparently we're not far off either, Kid. Huh.

  7. Ed! All hail 1776 but with that in mind...

    I have to admit it had its ups and downs, note the, ahem, Curzon daughters. In the same vein, some would say the baton's been passed to US, and with some justice.

    Will we rise to the challenge or become a satrapy of the transnational, globalist billionaires? I vote for the former and hope it counts.

  8. LSP,
    And btw, I won't forget that Mass intention.

    Thank you!
