Thursday, September 17, 2020

Yet More Signs

Signs are appearing in this small Texan farming community.

Trump signs, everywhere.

And that's interesting because this town is traditionally Democrat. It has been since the Civil War, when the county raised a brigade of cavalry to fight for the Cause.

So what's happened. Could it be that people aren't impressed by four years of "Trump's a Russian agent!", the Mueller hit job, Kavanaugh frenzy, impeachment and now the spectacle of BLM Marxists and their anarchist friends burning down Democrat cities? 

In short, maybe the hysterical, media-backed, ongoing coup attempt by a party which couldn't accept the fact of its own defeat doesn't sit well with people. 

Who knows, perhaps being told by the Left that America's inherently evil isn't a vote grabber in this town. As in Look at you, you're white, you Nazi, so you'd better repent or we'll burn down your house and loot the supermarket. That's why you have to vote for us. Uh huh.

That in mind, there weren't any Trump signs here in 2016, or very, very few, and that's changed.

Let's see a landslide in November.

Your Pal,



  1. Most definitely the best policy, drjim.

    Evil loses in the end, we know this, but lets be agents or channels of the victory.

  2. Up here in Tiny Town, I've seen ONE Biden sign to probably 50 Trump signs. Hell, I've seen more lost dog/cat signs than Biden!!!

  3. I don't recall seeing any Trump signs around here, but plenty of Biden/Harris signs. They're generally in front of the houses with the "BLM" signs, and those other PC signs.

    But then Fort Collins is an island of blue, surrounded by a sea of red....

  4. At work last night I heard grudging Trump respect :)
    And a mocking of Joe Biden.

  5. While the signs here aren't everywhere, none that I've seen support Joe.

  6. @OldNFO, Sorry to hear about all the lost dogs and cats.

    Otherwise, I gotta start working on my Trump Victory Gloatfest Post.

  7. It has that feel to it, Jules...

  8. I like the idea of a TVG, Kid. Let's see it.

  9. Jim, a friend in Minneapolis says there's loads of BLM signs and hardly any Biden signs, and that's in one of the bluest of cities.

  10. There's a lot to mock, Ed. Was there ever a worse candidate with a more pathetic campaign?

  11. Sorry to hear that, drjim. How many of the BLM signs are put up by black people?

  12. Nice one, NFO, but, like Kid, I'm worried about all the lost dogs and cats.

  13. Not many, Parson! Our demographics indicate that only ~3% of the population is Afro-Am. Our DIL says we live in "Vanilla Valley"!

  14. drjim, VV?!?

    Be careful out there...
