Friday, September 18, 2020

The Wicked Witch is Dead

No, not Hillary!

RIP, Ruth,



  1. I will (grudgingly) offer a prayer for her.

    1. We must, Adrienne. And let the games begin.

  2. I don't normally speak ill of the dead, but I'll make an exception here....

    Good riddance!

  3. Then watch out for the second witch.

  4. I must admit that upon hearing the news of RBG passing, my reaction was not a very Christian one. I may have some explaining to do once I stand in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates.

    Having admitted that, God rest her soul.

  5. Well, she took an oath to uphold the constitution (based on individual liberties as is America) then said how she favored the S Africa constitution. How many of her decisions went against the US constitution. I'm no scholar on the matter but she always seemed to vote against America's core principles.

  6. There is time to swear in a new Supreme Court Justice before the election.

  7. I will admit I let out a cheer and quickly apologized to G-D and said a prayer for soul. Dislike most of her opinions intensely but she now answers to G-D for her actions.

  8. Oh well. As John McCain said to RBG after she died: "Don't worry. The heat here in hell is a dry heat!"

  9. RBG said she didn't advise Egypt to look at our constitution when forming their new one. Her first recommendation was S. Africa's constitution. I think this article explains it quite well as to why:

    Fake "fact checker" sites said she was taken out of context. Ummmm - no she wasn't.

  10. Adrienne, PS, To me it seems America's core is based upon unalienable (God given) rights. You either believe in that or you don't. If you do, then you have to believe it applies to all human beings and not based on locality.

  11. Thanks for that, Kid, helpful.

  12. It seems, LL, that there is. Let's see how it goes, the Left realizes the stakes and the GOP? I'll resist the urge to shout out Quisling.

  13. Yes indeed, squeeky's mom. And I'm tempted to reflect on the logic of the Pit but won't, for now.

  14. Infidel, I thank God daily that the heat here at the Compound is drier than the mosquito ridden nightmare that is DFW. Does that mean RBG gets a pass? I don't think so, and don't say apostate J*w.

  15. Adrienne, what a great link. This struck me:

    "The state must take reasonable legislative and other measures, within its available resources, to foster conditions which enable citizens to gain access to land on an equitable basis."

    Or, in other words, to steal white farmers' land. We've seen how that works out in Zimbabwe, Rhodesia's begun inviting its farmers back after massive Marxist failure.

    Here in the US, we simply gave them cities to run and then left, witness Detroit.

    Our moral cowardice, hypocrisy and weakness viz Africa is appalling to me. Then again, we've played the same tune here and called it progress. What an utter scam.

    I won't bang on, though I'm tempted to.
