Monday, September 21, 2020

Rampant Skulduggery and Malfeasance

The Left loves the working class, except that they don't. 

Lattes all 'round.




  1. Millwall seriously?

    The left doesn’t, and never, loved the working class (the poor, blacks, ….), they love the ‘idea’ (the excuse) of them.

    They’re like the privileged, rich campaigners of old using the amorphous (preferably distant) and entirely false representation of ‘the poor’ as an excuse to increase ‘their’ power and further enrich themselves, but, if any individual (actual) poor person dared come near them would have had them horse-whipped.

    More, they only love the idea of them as portrayed in their marxist ‘holy’ books. Lenin forbid that they turn out to be individuals who actually are more conservative (with a small ‘c’) than any other demographic (ie. support the work ethic, family, country and culture). Which is why the left is so determined to replace them with the more ‘useful’ (for now) and compliant immigrants.

    You’d think by now that any demographic ‘championed’ by the leftists would have learnt that they’ll be thrown under the bus and abandoned when their usefulness to the left was done. But, apparently, they don’t.

    (I’ve found it ‘laughable’ just how many of the BLM activists here don’t know, or have even met, any actual black people [still possible here in The UK with such a small number of blacks]. Imagine just what kind of mindset, what indoctrination, is required for these idiots to destroy property and lives for people they not only have never met, but actively shun].

    I suppose Millwall wasn't really a bad choice, since they especially (as most of London) have had their lives, livelihood, homes and businesses destroyed by the left (and its fetish for immigrants and any one not British). Any wonder they're portrayed as rampant right-wing fascists?

    1. You'll have to forgive the Millwall, Anon, but you got my not very subtle point.

      And yes on the UK BLM thing. Imagine you're walking down the Broad in your Malcolm X t shirt, humming Tupac and bustin' rhymes. Fortunately there's enough time for a swift pint at the Bird and Baby before the afternoon lecture on Noam Chomsky.

      Hardly Detroit, is it.

      Speaking of which, I get the feeling UK BLM wouldn't last too long in the Motor City, Philly, Chicago, Baltimore and... on.

      Mind you, that goes for many.

      Curious to see the Left scorn the workers on both sides of the Atlantic. Perhaps they feel betrayed.

  2. I can't understand a word they're saying. What language is that?

  3. If you are going to use 'skulduggery,' then I believe it's a law that you have to also include 'malfeasance' within that same sentence.

    Hey, I don't just make these rules up...

    1. Fredd, you got me there. I'll update this post faster than it'd take to indict a ham sandwich.

  4. LSP

    Anons comment is funny, because, as you know, half of Britain is unintelligible to the rest because of accents (I was brought up in Durham, My parents in Byker, theirs in Mayo and Inverness – no one could understand anyone at the dinner table).

    Americans, whilst having regional accents, are still at least understood (mostly) by the rest of the country. They just don’t seem to understand the (historically developed, when travelling a few miles was an expedition) variation between villages a few miles apart here.

    Britain doesn’t just have extreme regional accent variations, but local as well. Imagine if you couldn’t just tell which region someone was from, or even the town, but the area of the town by their accent.

    Oh, and only the Portuguese can really understand the English dismay/disgust at the apparent take-over of their tongue by a former colony who then butcher the language (and who apparently aren't very good at spelling since they have to simplify the most basic words so they can manage them).

    1. Anon, when my family moved to Cheltenham in '79(?) I could hardly understand a word. It sounded like German. Hmmmm.

  5. I admit to not having a clue as the rivalry between Millwall v Leicester City. Not even sure what they're playing - soccer?

    I do know with what's going on now, it's lovely to see a whole bunch of people having a good time, singing, and doing all sorts of social people type stuff.

  6. Never could understand Cockney accent... sigh They must not be drunk enough to riot yet, I didn't see a single fight!

  7. It's soccer, Adrienne, and I've never been a huge fan tbh.

    But wow, the UK's really gone down the Covid lockdown stasi route. It's almost as though they're taking orders from the Democrats or their unholy controllers.

    Speaking of which, I bought some mask muzzles today by way of souvenirs and guess what, made in China. Huh.

  8. NFO, I apologize! Next time I'll try and find a fighting vid. On second thoughts, maybe not...
