Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Joe Biden Urfa Man


Did you watch last night's presidential debate? If so, you may have noticed the Grim Creeper's uncanny resemblance to Urfa Man. It was the eyes, staring out at you like dark, soulless obsidian. 

Never mind the insults, interruptions and outright deceit, look at the eyes set in a face of skin-stretched plastic surgery. The face is fake, the message is fake, a collection of media endorsed talking points, but the eyes are real, a window into the soul.

And what do they reveal? A void. A hollow candidate with nothing to say beyond worn out agitprop, Racist! Virus! Nazi! And all from what was once a man who used to boost segregationalist klansmen Senators. Back to Urfa Man. Trump's not fake, he is who is, good or ill.

Biden's something else again, unreal and inhuman, a career politician who's made millions from inside-the-beltway graft. Seriously, like a wicked game show host he's grown rich off the fat of the land. 

And as with the obsidian-eyed statue, he has no soul, he's hollow, his essence has been sold to the highest bidder, and what looks out at you is an ersatz facsimile of what used to be human.

To put it another way, he's a demonstrably corrupt, lying, phony, evil career politician, who's made millions of dollars through plying his faked-up trade. He's at it still, in his wired 78 year old dotage.

I ask you, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?

Good question, eh?



  1. Brilliant, Parson!

    There are reports he was wearing black contacts as part of a "HUD" system, almost like an embedded teleprompter.

    Those empty, black holes sucking in gullible souls.....scary, indeed. The Dark one is becoming bolder.....

  2. @drjim - Smart AR contacts.

    Watch the vid I just posted. Very informative...

  3. I haven’t seen the debate yet. Harrison told me it was a joke and that Trump was basically debating with the presenter who was a ******
    Quelle surprise.

  4. One thing about Biden, he's got lifeless eyes.

    When Biden comes cruisin the 1st and 2nd grade classrooms, lookout. We girls formed ourselves into tight groups and the idea was, the nearest girl to Biden would start poundin’ on the chaulk board and hollerin’ and screamin’ and sometimes Biden would go away. Sometimes he wouldn’t go away. Sometimes Joe Biden, he looks right into you. Right into your eyes. You know the thing about Biden, he’s got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’. Until he grabs ya below the waist or on top a your trainin bra and those black eyes roll over white. And then, ah then you hear that terrible high pitch screamin’ and the girls all start runnin around and in spite of all the poundin’ and the hollerin’ Biden comes in cops and more feels than a David Coppa Feel in a bad movie....

  5. The last 5 Democrats to run for president, Al Gore, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and now Joe Biden: all have never had to meet a payroll, employ anybody, or held down any job in the private sector.

    All of them, and likely all that ever get the nomination, will fit this mold.

  6. "I ask you, what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?"

    No truer words spoken.

    I hear he's made commercials with the assistance of Amerika Magazine to woo Catholic voters. The Jesuits need to be suppressed again.

  7. Fredd's right about those five. And all of them have become quite wealthy in the political game. As someone once said about LBJ, "He came to do good, and did quite well indeed."

  8. It sure seems that way, drjim. But how strange that Satan couldn't raise up a better candidate. Like really, Biden's the best he could find? Huh. Sinister black eyes notwithstanding.

  9. Juliette, Harrison's right. The thing that struck me, apart from the stupidity of it all, were Biden's outright, brazen lies.

    And his evil black eyes.

  10. Hahahahahahaha, Kid! I might have to quote you.

    I almost lined up to see Jaws but waited a week.

  11. It's bizarre, Fredd, and not dissimilar to the old Soviet Union's powerbrokers. Same kind of age too, at this point.

    What a nest of vipers.

  12. Dad, I'm not an expert on the J's but I fear you're right. Of course they've been off-hook for a while.

    You'd imagine the whole catholic (RC) world would be up in arms against the transgender, abortion Left. But no, with a few brave exceptions, nothing. The same with Anglicanism, whether lib or trad. Deafening silence apart from piously outraged denunciations of "white supremacy."

    You know, coz of all those Klansmen burning down cities.

  13. Good call, Jim. LBJ has a fair amount to answer for, and I'd imagine he's doing just that.

  14. What a "on the point" observation! As insightful as anything I've read.

    1. Thanks, WSF. The eyes and Urfa Man clarified it for me.

  15. Adrienne

    Yes, and you might want to look up thin film/flexible e-paper too.

    (and just possibly signal-jammers as well)

  16. Anon, I don't know if a jammer was deployed but if so, we need more.


    1. PS. Something that fed interesting "talking points" to his retinal display might be useful too. Just a thought.
