Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Gotta Love The Beatles

Well no, not really, especially when the lovable moptops are a couple of murdering, head chopping Moslem savages. That'd be El-Shafee El-Sheikh and Alexanda Kotey, two members of the unholy war execution squad which specialized in cutting off the heads of aid workers and journalists.

These two murderous savages were captured in Iraq in 2018 and a massive legal battle ensued. Should the two Beatles ("Beatles" -- they were from England)  be sent to America for trial and sentencing or segue to the UK, where sensitivity training and rainbow pony therapy sessions would rehabilitate the psychotic, deranged, and possibly possessed by Satan Moslems.

The argument, from UK rainbow leftist lawyers was this. If the head chopper Beatles get extradited to the US they'll get the death penalty. OMG, how inhumane. How could anyone be so barbaric and cruel as to execute people who sawed the heads off of aid workers? You know, with their knives.

So, in a bizarre fit of caritas, the US DOJ promised it wouldn't execute the Beatles. No Helter Skelter for them, just SuperMax hi-jinx for the rest of their lives. Or worse, maybe the merry Butlins that is Gitmo.

I know, the Gospel demands charity. And in this instance I'd argue execution's the better course. Feel free to disagree, there's no rule. But in the reflection, how did the Beatles become so evil, was it innate or learned? 

My call is that people are tempted by Satan and run with it, with bestial, murderous result.

Strawberry fields forever,



  1. Summary execution on the spot would have solved a lot of problems. Of course, it would cost lawyers and talking heads a chance to mint some coin.

  2. Speaking of charity,I know it was the '60s but what's with the fashions the Beatles were wearing? And no don't use massive amounts of hallucinogenics as an excuse.

  3. So, in a bizarre fit of caritas, the US DOJ promised it wouldn't execute the Beatles.

    How foolish of our DOJ!

  4. I would suggest the Gospels demand charity, but also demand an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth?

    Or a head for a head? Or does the New Testament (charity) trump the Old Testament (eyes and teeth)? My iffy interpretation only, since I am as close to a religious scholar as a sumo wrestler is to landing a job as a Super Model.

  5. I would use a rusty machete on them... A head for a head...

  6. "...there's no rule" says LSP.
    But there is in fact a rule, and it's written in Gen 9:6 I believe. This is the 2nd command given from God, (execute murderers). The first is the well known one about fruitful and multiply.
    My humble apologies for telling an ordained man his business, but just trying to help with a very worthy blog.

  7. That, WSF, is a very good point.

  8. Infidel, you've nailed it. Like... WTAF.

    McCartney's especially unimpressive, but they're all guilty.

  9. Fredd, Christ's charitable command TRUMPS all, without denying a thing. Fulfillment.

    That said, Just War says the Beatles need to be put back in their box. With machetes? Moral theologians and fellow travelling jurists can argue the point.

  10. A rusty machete, NFO?

    Good call.

  11. Thanks for the insightful exegesis, Anon.
