Saturday, August 1, 2020

The Evil Of White Culture

You'll be glad to know the evil of White Culture's being taught at the Smithsonian and around America. Hard work? Bad. Rational thinking? Wicked. Family? Abhorrent. Self-reliance? Evil. Greek, Roman, Judeo-Christian "primacy"? Get out, you Nazis. 

Ownership of goods, space and property? Sounds like you're a bit of a Fascist. Speaking and writing English as opposed to pidgen? Wow. Since when did you join the Falange. Be polite? Who are you, Himmler, or would that be Bormann?

Who came up with this infantile drivel? We know, the same evil goon show that brought us the Weather Underground, China's Uncultural Revolution, the Soviet Gulags and Cambodia's pile of skulls. That aside, consider the brazen racism of the thing. 

What African farmer doesn't follow time as he plants his crops? Is it only white people who know how to be polite? Ask a Japanese businessman. Hard work, another sin of whiteness, unless you're a Mexican opening and running a shop.

To assume, in a fit of cultural Marxist idiocy that the qualities of a civilized society are only possessed by "white culture" is as aggressively racist as it's stupid. 

To suggest that these qualities have been embodied to the fullest extent yet seen in Classical, Judeo-Christian culture, for all its faults, is another thing again. 

I'd argue that that's the case, in fact I'll wager the Fighting Monkey on it. But feel free to disagree.

Guinea on the monkey,



  1. Tsk,tsk. No wonder you are exiled to backwater Texas.

  2. Cultural Marxism only serves to reconstituting the power in a new location. That doesn't solve any society's problems and almost always makes them worse. Mao, Lenin, Hitler, Pol Pot, The Nork Kim Regime, have all been nexuses for human misery.

  3. All the markers that create success are attacked. Why, it's almost as if they WANT to create a permanent, non-successful, bitter-resentful-seething underclass of reliable "D" voters.


  4. I had a hard time finding a negative in the first poster.

  5. And understand, they think that even if they could wave a magic wand and have all this in place over night, that none of it would affect them, that the lights would still come on, and Burnt-bucks coffee would still be open.

    You cannot reason with fanatics.

  6. What you gotta realize Parson is everybody ain't built like you people. Some of us, worthless slugs like myself - ya I admit it cause it ain't my fault, just don't have whatever it is that allows for school learnin, gettin up early, going to a job we'll never be smart enough to do or makin enough to pay for our happy drugs anyways. We're worthless POSs. There I said it again. The really lucky one of us are politicians. The one talent we do have is we can talk. Bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. I've had Jehovah's Witnesses look down at their watch and yell, Oh My! Look at the Time ! I gotta be going.

    It is not who we are to be able to do much of anything for ourselves. It is who you are and why you are here to help take care of us. No sense getting angry, it's in your destiny. God put you all here for this purpose. Some we made to give and some made to receive. Even the NFL is based on this concept. Heck they got worthless slugs they pay millions of dollars to. Hey, I pray every night I'll never wake up tomorrow, but just like clockwork and that Bill Murray movie, here I am again, day after worthless day - wide awake at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Imagine how We feel. Fwiw...

  7. Don't forget doctors and every other professional class working for free RHT. They took an oath afterall.

  8. WSF, you make a very good point.

  9. Per your post, LL, which no one here seemed to like -- power's dynamic. Centaralized or Federal.

    I vote the latter way, as opposed to the Marxist simulacrum.

  10. N, you have a point and a good one.

  11. The second's not much better, Jim.

  12. Kid, their condescension knows no bounds. Let's change that in November.

  13. I may have a point, but my kippa hides it. :)

  14. Ha! Your excellent article has "gone to press" and you've been added to the mailing list. Thanks for writing, good stuff.
