Thursday, July 23, 2020

Utter Total Disaster


What started off as a pleasant trip to Dallas for a late birthday celebration turned into unmitigated disaster. Sure, it began well, easy traffic for the most part, enormous steaks, convivial company. All well and good.


Then, after everyone had gone to bed, it seemed like a good experiment to pour a glass of claret on the technology. Give it a go, see how it works, no rule. Maybe it'll even help your machine. 


It didn't in my case, the recently upgraded if ancient ASUS started to smoke when the power was on. Huh. Fail. So I drove back to the Compound, got the Blue in situ, then drove to Waco for another machine. 

I won't lie, it was weird to see masked paranoia in full force and I hated it, but there was a gently used laptop at one of the few remaining "Best" Buys and I took it home.


The sleek little beast's sitting here now, backlit keyboard and everything. Ma LSP says, "That was an expensive glass of wine." I won't enlarge further.

Fall To!

Back up your data if you have any worth keeping. And oh, while you're at it, crush the NWO underfoot.




  1. Once had water get into a laptop (in the car trunk with water and lots of other stuff - water leaked). Put the oven on"Warm", inserted the laptop in an inverted "V" position, and left it overnight. Much to my surprise, and delight, it worked.

  2. If ya had paid attention to that commercial where Dolph Lundgren dumped water on his laptop you would have known that any liquid on a laptop is NOT a good idea.

  3. Congratulations on the new 'puter, LSP.

  4. You had me at the picture of the meat on the grill. Mmm.

  5. Masked paranoia is right. I was turned away at a restaurant in the county seat recently where the mayor broke a tie in a city council vote and declared herself the city nanny. Now I won't shop there unless I simply must. The county commissioners, on the other hand, voted 5-0 to treat folks like adults so no masks needed out of town unless you want to wear one. Luckily my favored LGS is in the county, and if you wish to shoot barefaced at the range, we're good with it.

  6. THe only time you need a backup is when you don't have one, which is why I keep 4 image backups on separate external drives and a few backups.

  7. Paranoia gone epidemic. A pandemic, even.

  8. That was simply God telling you it was time for a new laptop. I'm tethered to my desktop which is probably a good thing otherwise I'd be online 24/7. I am also hyper vigilant about my coffee and water spilling on my keyboard. Except my new wireless keyboard only cost 19 bucks at Wallyworld so if I did fry it no big deal.

  9. I think, WSF, that if I'd caught the thing early enough I could've applied the same medicine. Still, it was prob time for an upgrade but at the cost of that lever gun I need to buy, dammit.

  10. NFO, it was a pricey glass of wine. Grrrrr.

  11. Thanks, Linda. It sits here, backlit and gleaming.

  12. They turned out medium rare perfect, Infidel. DELICIOUS.

  13. It's really freakish, Jim, at least at this point. Perhaps an election has something to do with it, eh?

    Glad your range is up and running. Must get some trigger time in myself before the muscles forget their memory.

  14. It's just bizarre, Ed. The vaunted 2nd Wave will start to grow old and tired in August, watch my tracer.

  15. Adrienne, Wmart just gave $100 million, yes MILLION, to the BLM Marxists.


    Welcome to our new corporate sponsored commie playground. It's starting to make Brave New World and 1984 look clean. Alienation? Cubed.

  16. LSP, Fwiw - My wife's Dell XPS lost its hard drive a couple days ago. I got a Samsung 860 QVO SSD for 109 bucks (Amazon). It arrived today so I installed it and dropped an image backup to it (Acronis 2015) and now it boots up in 13 seconds versus 12 minutes....

  17. Nice one, Kid. There's a REAL improvement in the SSD upgrade and that's what makes my disaster especially annoying.

    The ASUS HDD failed. I replaced it with a WD 500 GB SSD and the old laptop became searingly hot. Amazing.

    Then I poured wine all over it. Huh. The new machine's good though, SSD again and I can't complain, an upgrade.
