Saturday, July 18, 2020

The Space Alien Threat

Are extraterrestrials real and are they visiting the earth? Statistics show an increasing number of Americans believe they are. 

According to the the National UFO Reporting Center there were 6,340 UFO sightings nationwide in 2019, nearly double the 3,456 sightings in 2018. This trend continued in 2020, with the first three months of the year showing a 112% increase in sightings over the same period in 2019.

The upsurge in sightings follows recently released US Navy footage, showing unknown gravity defying craft moving at incredible speeds. This has prompted some experts to warn of an impending alien invasion.

“If real-life aliens are regarding this Earth with envious eyes, and are drawing up plans, what are our plans to deal with them? The short answer is that there aren’t any," stated renowned UK Ufologist, Nick Pope, who added, "If it came to a real-life War of the Worlds, there’s no alien invasion war plan – we’ll just have to wing it."

Are creatures from another time, dimension, galaxy or star system visiting the earth with "envious eyes"? Possibly, but here at the Compound we believe they're here already.

You have been warned.

Ad Astra,



  1. I've had that Aliens are already here thought in relation to some government critters.

    Years ago, a poll had 1/3rd of Americans believing we would be visited by aliens while obama was in office and that was good because he would be the bestest person to deal with them.

  2. I doubt they'll invade at least directly. They've likely seen such documentaries as Earth Vs The Flying Saucers and Independence Day, and realizing that Earth has never lost an interplanetary war, they likely are afraid to. The fifth column approach is another story though. The old science fiction cliche referred to bug-eyed monsters, or BEMs. AOC?

  3. Not so sure about aliens, but I've seen plenty of zombies.

  4. If everybody has cell phones now days, why don't we see more pictures/videos???

  5. My late son, the Medic, was stationed at Dugway Proving Grounds, 80 miles SW of SLC. The dependents living in the insular housing area called the place Area 52. When I visited, he had to give security 24 hour notice and then personally escort me through the entrance. As a Medic he was cleared to go anywhere. What he told me was, "Dad, there are no aliens or any of that shit here, but there are things here you would not believe". That was all he would say.

    Security there is deadly serious. Prominently parked past the entrance is a Suburban with many very large holes shot through it. On a trailer, it gets moved around so all get to see it.

  6. That's an interesting stat, Kid. Perhaps like attracts like?

    But I don't know how many of our rulers are aliens in human guise. Maybe many, which raises another and perhaps more serious question. How many are ritual occultist pedophiles? Let's see what Ghizzie says, if she gets that far.

  7. Ah, Jim, good call! The eyes have it.

  8. Adrienne, they're everywhere. I know this because I go to Walmart, our town's store, and see them. They're there, tattooed and masked. I won't say it isn't scary.

  9. Good point, NFO. The vids we do see aren't very good quality, annoyingly. Then again, the USN footage isn't bad. Secret tech?

  10. Just think, WSF, "stealth" tech's been around a long time. What's under wraps now? Mach 17 missiles have to be the least of it. Personally, I'm hoping we're mastering anti-grav, which'd be neat. But maybe I'm optimistic. We can't, apparently, master a corporate-sponsored Maoist revolution in our major cities. So.

    Prayers for your son.

  11. There is the zombie threat, and nobody disagrees about the situation in Portland. They've taken over. Then there is the space alien threat and it's no joke. The USGOV stores them at Area 51.

  12. Good thing we've got a SPACE FORCE, LL. Rods from God on Portland? I'm not saying it's necessary, yet.

  13. Those shift shaping ETs sure know how to fool the voters in CA and NY, but let them try it here in SC and we'll make a pulled pork BBQ sandwich out of them.

  14. Ah, Pewster. I understand there's been a victory in SC. Good. Same here. But I tell you, these people keep coming on.

    Whatev. I love BBQ.
