Saturday, July 25, 2020

Some Kind of Pathetic Zimbabwe Wakanda Joke?

The black revolutionary Marxist militia, NFAC, turned up in Louisville. They had lots of guns because they're revolutionaries who're going to "burn the system down" if they don't get their way.

 C'mon, go home, a larp's a larp

Yeah. Then one of the cosplay comrades shot himself and some of his buddies in a fit of Zimbabwean cultural appropriation. Coz it's all a larp till you shoot your friend's shin off.


Blacks make up around 13% of the US population. They account for over 50% of the nation's crime and 85% of violent crime. As one person in Detroit put it, "They're a race unique to America," and Zimbabwe Wakanda.

Selous Scouts forever,



  1. You are referring to the lads with the Osprey symbol?

  2. Some of those lads have been going heavy on the grits and pork fat...just saying.

  3. A few of those "revolutionaries" look like they've eaten a revolutionary amount of cheeseburgers.

    Perhaps I shouldn't say that. It's racist my elite masters tell me.

  4. And when we lose a superior human like Lloyd Marcus the howling crowd has nothing to say. Poo on them!!! Lloyd was on my list of "people I'd like to dinner with."

  5. My latest book "The 1351 Project" will be available on Amazon...never.🤡

  6. All of Africa was Wakanda until the European colinzers showed up and purchased slaves from the many states and tribes of the nation of Wakanda. They degraded the highly advanced civilization with western medicine, plumbing, agriculture, and the wheel. Now Wakanda is a fraction of what it once was.

  7. LL, I know, but one thing I like about the second infographic is the way they're obviously having fun. Grinning, posing about, having a good day out with the guns and the cosplay. Fair enough, have fun with guns, #2A and all of that. But for goodness sake, guys, go home before one of your pals ends up dead. Then it's not fun anymore. Then it's miserable.

    Of course we have to ask, how much are they being paid? I'll warrant not enough to make a stray bullet through the femur worth it.

  8. Mmmmm, Infidel, cheeseburgers! Now I'm hungry.

  9. Dr. Swankenstein, I for one am vastly looking forward to your new book. It'll be taught in schools, I hope?

  10. I'd second that, Adrienne. And I'd like to see Candace take these larpers to task. You can imagine the scene...
