Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Eat A Peach - Cooking With LSP

There you are, in the midst of an Agenda 21, Kalergi replacement project when one of the the test subjects asks if you'd like some peaches. "Sure, that'd be great," and there they were, thanks to Eduardo and Maria, a basket of wild fruit. What to do?

Not tender enough to eat, so boil 'em up, blanche with ice water, remove skins, or not, and slice those peaches up. Then add a few tablespoons of brown sugar, flour and lemon juice to the mix. Bring to a boil and set the fruity thing aside.

In the meanwhile, combine 1 cup of flour, 3/4 of a cup of light brown sugar, cinnamon and a lot of butter, a stick (8 Tbls). Mix it up with your fingers until the thing's crumbly but clings together. This is your "crumble" or "topping" or whatever, it's not like there's some kind of weird rule.

Congratulate yourself on this achievement and watch Geobbels on BitChute. How could he have been such a monster as to kill his beautiful children? Same applies to you, Magda. Well, there's a special place in Hell for those who kill children, but let's not dwell on the infernal logic of the Pit.

Instead, put the beast in the oven for around 40 minutes at #375, take it out, let it cool for a bit and then, fall on your scoff like a warrior. Don't be shy, soldiers.

Your Ally,



  1. That looks delicious, Parson!

  2. Just desserts.

  3. Good work LSP! Our peach crop here in SE Michigan was wiped out by a late freeze, but we are looking forward to picking tart cherries tomorrow. I would not rule out a cherry crisp tomorrow night.

    "Eat a Peach" is a great ABB album, marred of course by the untimely death of Duane Allman.

  4. Yep, just desserts... Mine were ready to eat, so I peeled them and had them with ice cream no waiting required!

  5. It was out of the frame, Adrienne!

  6. I used to love EAP, Dad, and still pretty much do. Good bit of Southern Rock, to put it mildly.

    Sorry about your peaches but cherries sound good. Jealous.

  7. Anon, you make an excellent point.

  8. Sure was tasty, drjim. Thanks, neighbors. Speaking of which, I must start a Spanish Mass...
