Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Commies Hate Christianity - Wake Up

Some Christians, notably Archbishop figures, think the Left can be appeased and lived with. All they do is apologise for "racism" as their Churches are attacked by radical Marxists. These idiots, Archbishop and beyond,  should read Solzhenitsyn:

Within the philosophical system of Marx and Lenin, and at the heart of their psychology, hatred of God is the principal driving force, more fundamental than all their political and economic pretensions. Militant atheism is not merely incidental or marginal to Communist policy; it is not a side effect, but the central pivot. To achieve its diabolical ends. Communism needs to control a population devoid of religious and national feeling, and this entails the destruction of faith and nationhood. Communists proclaim both of these objectives openly, and just as openly go about carrying them out.

As it stands, three churches have burned in the last few days in North America, along with two statues of the Virgin. Perhaps you think this somehow contrived, exaggerated. If so, think on this. 

Some 77 million Christians have been martyred since the Faith began. Fully half, 33 million, are accounted for by Marxists in the last century. And the Communist persecution continues today, notably in China.

From our religious leaders, the press, politicians? A resounding silence, crickets. It's almost as though they were part of the problem. Imagine that.

Stand up and be counted,



  1. Adrienne was battling the people on her blog about this. Some felt that idols should be torn down.

    I say that we just go Constitutional and respect all matters of faith with the possible exceptions of the Mohammedans, who like mutilating little girls, honor killing and making everyone's life miserable.

  2. I do believe the war has started when the rabble begins burning targeted houses of worship and allowed to do so..

    We need a 2020 version of the "Deacons for Defense".

  3. The Lord their Marx is a jealous g-d.

    Did I ever send you this link?

    Hardwired for Faith

  4. It's like a plague of locusts.

  5. And they threw him in a gulag. I've known a few folks who've lived under communism and none would like to do so again.

  6. St. Joan's is now locking our church during the day and issuing key cards to parishioners who wish to visit during the day. Our adorers have had them since day one to access the adoration chapel. THIS IS NORTH IDAHO!!!! Why and hell should we have to lock our churches? And now Wallyworld is requiring masks starting July 20th. I'm pissed!

  7. The current Pope isn't helping matters...

  8. @Jim: I know it's not rational to try and make sense of this anymore, but... we have warnings from people from Venezuela, and Cuba, and the former USSR, and Vietnam, and China, and, and, and - and the blue-check verified college nitwits think their "Marxism in Theory" class at Progressive U makes them more an expert than people that lived through it.

    Bill Whittle has a great line, "... but does it work in theory?"



    What is Fascism? Among other things, private companies doing what the government tells them. This way the government's hands are "technically" clean of the dirty work.

  9. Impressed by your post but it seems to contain a category error. Contemporary leftist protests on the streets and on-social media have little to do with the Marxist regimes which fell in the Eastern bloc 30 years ago (there were more Christians in Communist Poland than in the UK today). Those regimes would never have tolerated the gender-flipping politics of today and its abolition of nature and basic biology. No wonder President Duda of Poland has warned 21st ideology is actually more dangerous to the human race than the old-style communism.

  10. I agree, LL, and need to head over to Adrienne's place and see what's going on.

    Moslems? Let's cut to the chase and hold a few Draw-Mos.

  11. drjim, I'd say you have a point and a good one.

  12. I think "Harwired" is an excellent reflection, RPJ. Good work.

  13. He certainly knew a thing or two about the beauties of Communism, Jim, no doubt about it. Would he be cancelled today? I'd be surprised if he wasn't.

  14. Adrienne -- what?!? In Idaho?

    Because everyone's dropping like flies and the hospital system's collapsing as plague victims wander the streets like the Legion of the Damned?

    Or would it be because it's an election year.

    So sick of this satanic BS.

  15. He sure isn't, NFO. And I have the highest respect for the papacy, I really do.

  16. Anon, you make a good point. They would've been aghast at the rainbow warriors of today, with their hatred of working people.

    That said, perhaps it's a matter of nuance and evolution. How different, really, is Cultural Marxism in its rainbow guise to its radical forbears? Both, you recall, were all in favor of abolishing the family, marriage, abortion and on in the years leading up to and including 1917.That changed in Russia but lived on in Europe... but I won't bang on.
