Monday, June 22, 2020

White Guilt

That's all,



  1. White guilt? I have none. I've done nothing to be guilty of.

  2. Tera-engineering dittos. :)

    I've often written that, absent my kippa and star of David necklace, I could stroll into a KKK meeting and not get a second glance.

    And LSP, I'll have that essay for you today, at least a first draft. Been busy - my customer has been using the first generation of equipment I designed for them with "good results" and is now moving forward on the second gen, which I need to finish.

    Now I just need some more customers...

  3. Nope. Not a shred here either.

    Bully for Teddy! Down with the AMNH and DeBlasio.

  4. Hear Hear ! Less than 5% of Americans ever owned slaves. Probably way less. You had to be a plantation owner or a rich democrat.

  5. The fauxtrage is tangible, Jim.

  6. Good luck with the redesign, N, and thanks for the essay. I'll have a gaze tomorrow and get back with you, though I'm sure it's good. In the meanwhile, all I seem to do lately is talk with lawyers and bankers. Huh.

  7. Theodore, three words.





  8. I feel we're dealing with a weird, scyfy, holographic racism, Kid. But most aren't fooled, they see through the phony, faked up image.

  9. I'm convinced that those who are trying to guilt all of the rest of us into 'admitting' to having 'white guilt' have more than enough accumulated to make up for all of us who do not have any - and then some.

  10. Are you suggesting, Anon, that they have something to be ashamed of? I'm not a betting man, notoriously, but I'll wager the monkey on the point. Guinea down and see you there, eh?

  11. The only white guilt I have is believing that ABBA was actually a cool band.

  12. As I was sitting in synagogue some months before the whole virus thing, a SJW fellow congregant parent was sitting there too. Somehow "white privilege" came up (I didn't start it).

    They said "If you can go to the store and not be watched for shoplifting, you have white privilege".

    Pick your battles. I didn't get into it. But I SO wanted to say "Well, if you don't want to be watched for potential shoplifting, work within your community to not have your demographic be the majority of shoplifters".

    Hashem, I definitely need to escape this warren of SJWs and shift to the local Chabad.

  13. Infidel, it's only right that we feel guilty about our sins. Saying that, didn't ABBA have a world famous recording studio? I think Lemmy recorded there, for example. So... te absolvo!

  14. N, I would most definitely align with a better crew. And the synagogue SJWs might want to think twice about supporting a BLM movement which hates them.

    On topic, can you explain the Jewish fascination with leftism? Is it some kind of Mitteleuropa, 19th C intellectual/radical hangover? Baffled, but it does seem to be there. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!
