Friday, June 19, 2020

Social Justice!

This simple mind blog's all about social justice, which is why we support Scouse Lives Matter. But you might want to think twice before, ahem, "taking the knee."




  1. Greta and all of the Champagne Bolsheviks disgust me.

  2. I now know more about scouse than I ever thought I would.

  3. When I want to know about science I always ask an autistic Swedish teenager.

  4. I certainly don't like how this man died. Murdered by a cop. He most certainly didn't deserve that. But how dare Nancy Pelosi give an folded American flag in honor of him, a convicted felon, George Floyd who never served a day in the military except for several prison sentences for drugs and a home invasion of which he held a gun to the stomach of a pregnant woman in front of her small child and ransack her house looking for money and drugs. This criminal they put up to sainthood and make a martyr of him. How dare Nancy Pelosi give an American flag in his honor. Talk about a slap in the face of every man or woman whoever served their country while in uniform serving our flag and our country. But then again they gave this criminal a funeral fit only for a king.. Including a golden casket and a white horse drawn hearse being pulled by 2 white horses. And he got an all day national coverage by all the major TV networks But the funeral of a 40 year veteran cop David Dorn who was killed by black looters got hardly no coverage at all. What a national disgusting disgrace! A 40 year veteran cop.. hardly any recognition. But a career criminal gets honors and recognition, lifted up to sainthood and martyrdom, All day major TV coverage, a golden casket, a 2 white horse drawn hearse and a folded flag by Nancy Pelosi. Shame on Nancy Pelosi.... Disgraceful!!!

  5. LL, right with you on that.

  6. It's kind of a deal, Adrienne...


  7. Coz she's such an expert, Jim.

  8. You most certainly drive a point, TOM.

  9. I hear she's getting a gig on CNN.
