Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Lawyers Guns And Money

All I've been doing since Sunday is talking to lawyers and bankers. Why? Because a couple of local libs figured they could take a lot of cash out of one of our frozen bank accounts. You know, just take it, and then what, hole up on the Brazos, like no one would notice?

Their malfeasance, literal skulduggery and mutiny is back under control and calm, and cash, is back where it should be.

Libs, don't even think of trying it on again. 

Your Buddy,



  1. I admire your constraint. It must be tempting to impose some old school Texas justice.

  2. Would like to hear that story. Hope that charges are are filed and crime is punished.

  3. In a short time, all of this will be in the rear view mirror and the malignant priestesses will be off trying to ply their trade elsewhere.

  4. A bit of attempted wealth redistribution.

  5. drjim, what a run around. Good Lord.

  6. It wasn't easy, WSF, I can tell you. The illegal withdrawal was made "in good faith," evidently. Uh huh.

    Should be sorted now.

  7. OK -- if the cash isn't back per agreement then it's most definitely crime and punishment. As it is, they appear to have had a "moment of clarity." So.

  8. I'm vastly looking forward to that, LL, I really am.

  9. You seem to be in the cross hairs LSP, Christian attack related?

  10. It's ongoing, Kid, and part of a bigger deal which we've won at the TX Supreme Court level. Saying that, the local libs are very aggressive. Who'd have thought it in a country town?

  11. I wouldn't have Padre. Austin where they can get the trendy stuff yea, but small country town? Surprising.
