Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Gonna Go Roof?

As ACNA clergy wailed and wept over their racism and the Episcopal bishop figure of Washington DC raged about the President holding a Bible, I drove to Dallas to check on Ma LSP.

You may have heard that things have been a little unsettled in the metrosprawl lately, and while I wasn't expecting trouble it doesn't hurt to be prepared. That in mind, I called up the White Wolf Mine for tactical advice.

"Mr. Wolf?"
"This is LSP, calling from Dallas HQ. I know you're above the fray but what's the score?"
"Simple, you need to become an honorary Korean, an honorary Rooftop Korean."

We talked this over, what would it take, a special ceremony on the roof? Picture the scene. A brazier,  Korean BBQ, maybe some kimchi, but that comes after you've been sworn in and awarded a Seoul bandana. Then you're ready to go.

What you don't do is sally forth with a sword and fail to take out the invaders. "Hell, I'd have chopped them to pieces," said the Wolf, "Maybe I'd have used a pole axe or just a kukri, a kukri'd probably do it." I agreed and silently kicked myself for leaving the kukri back at the Compound.

Cold steel aside and a delicious dinner of grilled lamb chops later, all seemed peaceful enough, thank God. Then, round about 11.30 pm, the sound of choppers overhead grew to constant and sure enough, reports started coming in of a large crew of mutineers coming over the Margaret Hunt Bridge into South Dallas. Not too far away.

They found themselves boxed in and arrested by LE and the Guard who showed remarkable restraint; not one insurrectionist was thrown off the bridge into the Trinity. And that was that, no need to go roof. Let's see how tonight pans out. 

In the meanwhile, weapons hot. 




  1. Not much better than seeing punks hogtied or otherwise restrained.

  2. PS, does that girl in the grey shirt have a zip tie around her face?

    PPS, Once these idiots get their socialist communist paradise, they will get many more opportunities to be in this prone position looking at a military boot.

    1. Excellent points, Kid, and it sure looks like she got head/mouth zipped.

      They were all released, I think. Sadly not into the Trinity.

  3. Kid - certainly looks like a zip tie doesn't it?
    They will likely not be able to look at that boot that is on their neck (or throat).

    1. They were allowed over the bridge last night, Anon. Nothing went awry.

  4. Middle son, who looks like the lead character in a slasher movie, was briefly accosted in Denver last night. Once the punks got close enough to get a good look, they decided they had business elsewhere. Smart. Five years ago, the last time he drove drunk, it took six policemen to stuff him in a patrol car.

    1. Ferocious, WSF!

      Did you see the vid of the guy that went after some protesters with a Wolverine claw hand? All kinds of crazy going on.

  5. Be safe, Parson!

    These insurrections are sorely testing my resolve to not judge others.......but at some point, the enemy becomes obvious.

    1. drjim, I think we can i.d. the enemy without sin.

      It'd be wicked not to.

  6. I will judge and sentence anyone threatening me or mine.

  7. Hope things are continuing well for you and Ma LSP, Parson.
    Be safe and God bless.

    1. Thanks, Linda, all's well. Hope the homestaed's shaping up!

  8. I've been worried about Ma LSP, but I knew you'd be there to help. OTOH, maybe you should be protecting the looters and rioters from Ma LSP. I'm pretty sure she's as dangerous as moi when thoroughly ticked of.

    1. That, Adrienne, is a very good point! They'd be foolish to try it.

  9. The Roof Koreans have showed us the way.

    1. Looks that way, LL. Gunfire here. Not kidding, but hey, this is Dallas.

  10. CMMG rifle. Their lower parts kit, sans grip and trigger-hammer group, are a go to for me. Primary Arms red dots are usually good to go as well and the company is a joy to work with.

    1. Jim -- this carbine started off CMMG. I kept the lower and BCG, put in a Hypertouch trigger (LE) and a Ballistics Advantage (?) barrel. I like the Fortis hand guard -- light and easy to install.

      Like the old red dot too, works well. Not so happy with a PA scope tho, might have to upgrade...

  11. Replies
    1. Constant chopper noise + some gunfire right now, NFO.

      11.30 pm = witching hour, curiously.

  12. #bringittohollywood

    Spread the hashtag
