Friday, June 12, 2020


Wow. Seattle, home of Teen Spirit pop icon Waylon Jennings, Lemmy, Nik Turner, Randy Newman Kurt Cobain has left the Union. That's right, Anarcho-Marxists have taken up 6 blocks of central Seattle and made it their own country, called CHAZ.

Note Glitter Pony

Well, we all know what happens when hippies take over anything. They trash it because they're drunk and stoned. Sure, it starts off well with attempts at farming, then descends into unwashed chaos. You don't believe me? Go on, ask any festival organizer.

Warlord Jazz Simone

Rumour has it that a bona fide Mad Max, Lord of Chaos, Eschaton Warlord rapper, who goes by Jazz Simone, has taken over CHAZ security. Good on you Jazz, someone has to and it's obviously not Seattle's cops. They've probably been defunded and can't afford to.

Tragically Failed Farm :(

In related news, everyone's selling their house in Minneapolis. Can't think why, white privilege? Well yes, obviously.

Bring it on, Skater. Ready For 'ya

But can't think why. Maybe floating anarchy's a better way. Or not.

Your Friend,



  1. Wealth distribution. Some of the priciest condos and apartments in Seattle. The residents, who tend to be leftists, are now rubbing shoulders with trashy lowlifes. What a leap for the anarchist. From Mom's basement to a penthouse condo. Up the revolution!

    1. Nothing's too good for unworking class, WSF.

      I think I'll have a free loft. Thx.

  2. Replies
    1. It's all a great larp, Adrienne, but still.

  3. Waylon Jennings was a teen pop icon from Seattle? And here I thought he was a Texan who played outlaw country.

  4. That dying plant is a perfect metaphor. These idiots have no survival skills. They think that they can pull this crap and the lights will stay on, water will flow from the faucets, and Starbucks will be open. Who is paying for the utilities?

    There is no campaign add for Trump that could top this.

    Obviously the Mayor and Governor have forsaken their oaths of office. Surround the place with troops. Cut the utilities. Nobody goes in. Set up the mess tent upwind and and fire up the barbecue.

  5. There was one CHAZ denizen who said that all he wanted was free (luxury) housing, free food and enough spending money. He didn't want to work, he just wanted to live in a nice neighborhood and hang out. I think that's true of a lot of thugs. That they chose a "progressive" neighborhood full of leftists to destroy, is nothing if not poetic justice.

  6. I remember doing this stuff in the Boy Scouts back in the 60's. Well, it wasn't quite like this but there were some survival related activities.

    I blame a lot of this on sexual tension. I mean there ain't a good looking one in the bunch.

  7. I say build a huge high concrete wall around CHAZ and let those inside starve. Or am I being privileged.

  8. I'd agree with that, LL.

    I understand bikers are riding north. RV?

  9. You drive an excellent point Kid, as always.

  10. INFIDEL!

