Thursday, May 14, 2020

What Next - UFO Invasion?

The NWO, transnational, ultra rich elite, their puppet political satraps and the entrenched bureaucracy of the Deep State, to say nothing of their agitprop media hate and fear Trump. They hate him so much that they launched a Coup, an Impeachment, and a Plague against Orange Man Bad. 

But nothing's worked. 45 wasn't and isn't a Russian spy, I know, try not to laugh, and he isn't a Ukrainian crime lord like, say, one of the Bidens. Even a nation-destroying Chinese Plague can't seem to stop him, despite the best efforts of WHO, Democrat Governors, bizarro doctors and that great globalist engine, the Chinese Communist Party itself, with all its slave labor.

So what next? Aliens, of course. Maybe they'll put an end to the one who dared to try and make America great again. On topic, you'll note the commander of the 21st Space Wing, Col. Thomas Falzarano, was found dead Tuesday at his home on Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado. May he rest in peace.

Stay tuned and on your guard.

Ad Astra,



  1. LSP, Why does God allow these creatures to exist while taking good souls day after day?

    Wait, don't tell me.

  2. So Trump says that they will do the impossible and make an RNA receptor virus vaccine. He also said that he will order the ARMY to go door to door and FORCE every one to take it. As the CORVO-19 plague is a HOAX I guess we can kiss freedom GOOD BY! Aliens--No--- Death camps -- maybe--I voted for him once. not again---Ray

    1. Ray, I think he said he'd deploy the Army to administer the vax, not force it.

  3. A 47 tear old military officer died of natural causes???????????????????

    1. Well it's all a bit odd, Ed. Space Force to boot.

  4. Strange times, and disinformation everywhere.

    1. WSF, I've never seen anything like it. It's driving me to... fishing.

  5. I think that space aliens killed the colonel.

  6. LL, he was SPACE FORCE.

