Thursday, May 7, 2020

What A Beautiful Day

What, you're in a good mood, dubiously named "LSP," something positive to say? We won't say Hell just froze over. That's right, readers of this inconsequential kebab stand on the information superhighway, today is a good day, a great day because charges against General Flynn were dropped.


Because this is an uplifting post I won't go into the way an American hero, patriot and gentleman was framed by corrupt cops, forced into making a false confession, bankrupted, his family threatened with prosecution and all the rest. 

A Typical Badger

I can hardly contain my disgust, my revulsion at the corrupt bureaucrats who set about to ruin this good man. So I won't get into it.

Can You Excuse This Thing's Tie? No, Neither Can I, And That's The Least of It.

No, I won't detail the brazen, shameless, treasonous, makes-Watergate-look-innocent malfeasance committed by Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Strozk, Page, the  Mueller gang et al. So where does the buck stop? How about Hillary, Biden and the Magic 0; let's see some justice. In the meanwhile, sit back and enjoy the moment, but that's not all.

Comin' At You

The House Intel Committee's finally released transcripts from the Mueller coup investigation and bug-eyed Schiff's thrashing, twisting and lying in enraged fear. Let's see the what? Three, four year Trump's a Russian Agent! scam exposed for what it was, a phoney, faked up, criminal fraud. And, remarkably, the good news continues.


Shelley, remember her, the Dallas hairdresser who was imprisoned and fined by an Obama judge figure? Yes, that's the one. She was freed today because Texas' Supreme Court ordered it. Good work, Texan Justices. I mean to say, go figure, let's release all these criminals from jail so we can fill their cages with business owners trying to make a living. Not in the Lone Star State, nossir.

So there it is, what a day. Now let's see some justice applied to the coup conspirators and while we're at it, maybe Biden needs to take a Tara Reade polygraph and Roger Stone exonerated along with General Flynn. You know, just to make our joy complete.

Your Buddy,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mustang, I appreciate it. What happened to Flynn was outrageous.

  2. So happy for Gen. Flynn. His good name is restored and I hope he can get financial restitution.

    I'm also happy to see all these high powered, so called, government employees are dreadfully incompetent.

    1. Let's hope he does, WSF, and the coup conspirators some justice. What a travesty.

  3. Hooah! The sound of America being MAGA'd.

    At a MINIMUM, LTG Flynn should be re-instated to his former rank and position, receive all back pay and allowances, and be reimbursed for all legal expenses.

    I have promised my neighbors that if LTG Flynn is re-appointed into the Trump administration, I will do a happy dance around our cul-de-sac.

    A snappy salute to Shelly as well, who stood her ground against judicial tyranny.

  4. Served with Gen Flynn in the Ghan. A good Soldier, a good Officer and a gentleman. If I were POTUS I would ask him to drain the Swamp.

  5. Anon, it'd be amusing to see him take over the FBI...

  6. It is indeed a good day, LSP.

    1. It sure was, Adrienne. Let's see how Obamagate rolls.
