Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Old Retainer

It's been a busy couple of days, not least with editing a behind schedule magazine. Imagine staring at a screen and asking yourself what does that even ****ing mean? #delete

You see, the Red Death's turned all the writers into intellectuals. Annoying. Still, it's not been so busy that you can't take time out on the porch for Evening Prayer and gentle reflection.

Which is exactly what I was doing when Roy came by, sent from LR on a courier mission. Envelope duly passed on, Roy explained his homemade mask, he plans to "get in front of of any dam virus and I see you sittin' there so I hand this over. An' I tell your son, make friends wisely."

Yes indeed and I told him that the Private was due to ship out to South Korea at the end of June, but that didn't register, "Miss Ray, she gave me a shot of wine. Strong! But I'm not going to lift a can on my porch. Nossir. Every fool be knockin' down my door. I avoid trouble. Yes, I do."

With that, and after ten minutes more of the same, Roy went back from whence he'd come. Moral of the story? More and better servants? No. Serve to lead.

To Hell with Reconstruction,



  1. Dropped acid one too many times.

  2. He's a good man, LL, and I've stressed always welcome at church. But he won't go, guilty conscience I'll warrant.

    Acid? More like Jack and pot...

  3. He's headed to Korea? Never made it there myself though I encountered ROKs elsewhere. Rough bunch, though they were friendly to us.

  4. He's pretty pumped up, JIm, and I understand it's a good station. Never been there but had a sister who taught in Seoul. She called it "the land that God forgot"!
