Saturday, May 30, 2020

Dindu Apocalypse - The Morning After

What's it like to live in a city that's deep in the throes of a Dindu Apocalypse? We reached out to our man in Minneapolis, Dr. Swankenstein, to get the news.

The Doktor sent in these photos from his morning constitutional in a nice part of town, where there's no shortage of righteous, leftist activism. Police Abolition Now, demanded the flyers and pavement chalk sloganeers because, you know, when there's no more cops everyone will be free to enjoy "other options."

Like smashing up local businesses, looting stores and torching cars. A whole lot easier if there's no police, eh? But they got something right, the system is guilty, guilty of letting a city get so off the hook that dindu savages can burn it down with impunity. And we know where that goes. 

Businesses shut, working people move out, tax income drops, civic infrastructure falls apart, the police don't bother and hey presto, welcome to Detroit, or Baltimore or any one of a number of America's urban hellholes. Hollowed out wrecks of once prosperous cities, and all run by Democrats. Good work, commies.

And now the Guard's tentatively deployed. Do you think the infamous "system" has authorized them to use force against the savages and their bused-in, revolutionary friends? Probably about as much as it gave the police while their station was being overrun, and I guess this means local businesses and homeowners will have to go RTF (Roof-Top-Korean).

We'll see. In the meanwhile, if you want a balanced report of the George Floyd business go to Virtual Mirage and imagine, while you're at it, how all of this is going to make America vote Anarcho-Marxist Democrat in November. Because nothing's more popular at the polls than a gang of burn-your-city-down looters.

Thanks, Swankenstein, for the short photo essay. Let's see how this nonsense evolves.

Gun Rights,



  1. I am astounded at how the news is covering what is happening here, they are still calling the riots (which are expected to continue every night for quite some time) "protests. ALL businesses are shut down and boarded up, across the entire city. My next door neighbors (a young couple) are moving out right now, forfeiting their security deposit and moving to his parents house in rural Minnesota. They made the decision this morning, and got the hell outta Dodge.that's how messed up things are here. I am originally from Detroit, a city that never recovered from the 67' riots, I foresee Minneapolis looking like Detroilet in 20 years.

  2. Savages, all of them, including the lefties and commies.....

  3. They have no rooftop Koreans. Just street Somalis.

  4. They have heard promises for decades from politicians seeking votes. None of the promises have been fulfilled, therefore they feel "entitled" to take. Sadly, none are smart enough to realize none of those promises were possible. Just my opinion, of course.

  5. My goodness, WSF! You mean people were duped by politicians?!?

    Who'd a thunk it!

  6. The copycats are torching police cars in Columbia, SC. No stores to loot in the downtown area so what else is there to do? I am safe in my bunker far away from the hood.

  7. Thanks for the photos, Doktor S, and who can blame your friends from leaving. After all, who wants to live in a US version of Zimbabwe. That said, it seems to me like another one mile shot at a 2 mile target.

    The virus should've peaked in August and the race war begun in September. The DNC needs to for their Intel/PR.

  8. But Jim, there's videos surfacing of people standing guard against looters, and they're well armed. OK, not Koreans, but still.

  9. That, WSF, is an excellent point.

  10. I know, drjim, it's bizarre.

  11. The inner city people are really going to be upset if the officer is acquitted. I'm not saying that he will be acquitted of everything, but if he gets probation or something.

  12. The people left there will be dumb enough to be duped by demonrat politicians promising whatever they promise and they will vote demonrat again, sadly.

    May God watch over us all and keep us safe. God bless.

  13. It's weird, LL. Could it be that the narrative is somehow faked? Porn star/bouncer/autopsy etc. A nasty little matter of coke gone wrong? Who knows.

    But yes, it'll be upsetting if the vote goes the other way.

  14. Linda, the whole thing's weirdly convenient. Russia, impeachment, virus, race war. Will they stop at nothing?

    Saints and God preserve us.

  15. @swankenstein: "Detroilet". HA HA HA HA HA. Love it.

    @WSP: Pols promise and promise and promise. And never deliver. And people who still believe them are like Charlie Brown to the pols' Lucy.

    Where's the body of George Floyd? Has he been officially buried? With witnesses?

    As I understand it he was put onto the stretcher with no attempt at resuscitation. Even if his heart wasn't beating, I can't wrap my mind around EMTs not even trying.
