Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Dindu Almost Gets Himself Shot - or a True Tale of Fatal Consequence in the Old Dominion

Several weeks ago an old friend was in a Lowes car park outside of Richmond, Virginia. As he was about to enter his vehicle he was charged by a crazed, shirtless Dindu, screaming "I'm gonna f*ck you up, mothaf*cka cracka!" My friend produces a pistol, a Tokarev of all things, and there it is, "Stop or I will shoot."

The Dindu swerves away and charges another man getting into his rig, same scenario but this man's more formidably armed with a .45, which he levels at the attacker who again runs off. So no harm done, though my pal was pretty rattled.

Some Dindus in Georgia. Angel Ahmaud Center

"LSP, I've shot at people from a distance but never up close. One more second, or less, and I would've fired."

Imagine the result if he had. Headlines, protests, perhaps a show trial, and all because yet another holy, innocent angel was sent across the glittering rainbow bridge. Perhaps you're tempted to say Ahmaud Arbery, and we'll wait and see how the case of that utterly innocent jogga works itself out.

A Busted Dindu

In the meanwhile, I advised my pistoleer colleague to upgrade to a .45 carry. "Think about it, old chap. Stopping power, important, and picture the trial, 'Crazed white gunman fires six shots into unarmed black bystander' versus two shots. Do the math."

Speaking of math, 13.5% of the population commit over 50% of the crime and what, 85% of violent crime in this country. We're not allowed to draw attention to this curious statistic for some reason.

Gun rights,



  1. God Created Men, But Sam Colt Made Them Equal.

    I'm 68 years old, diabetic, with a heart condition, a bad knee, and a bad hip. Telling me to "Run Away!!" is the same as telling me to lie down and die.

    And I'm not about to do either.....

  2. Glad your friend is okay, Parson. Praise God. :)

    1. He was pretty shaken up, Linda, but unscathed. But why a Tokarev? Huh.

  3. .45 in one hand and maybe a war hammer in the other? I've used the tomahawk/Kimber 1911 combination to great effect. You don't NECESSARILY have to shoot them, Hit them with the war hammer first and see if it slows things down.

    1. That, LL, is a FEARSOME combo. I like it.

  4. Glad your friend is okay. Like the others have said, a .45 would be a better choice than the Tok. Like drjim I have issues that make running away a poor choice. That S&W .45 makes a fine equalizer.

  5. Thankfully all ended well, good thing he wasn't in Calif!

  6. If it weren't for sending all the mfg jobs overseas, (and absurd welfare programs) these little geniuses would be in an auto plant putting lug nuts on cars.

  7. Ain't that the truth, Brig.

  8. And earning a good wage too, Kid. Excellent point.

    Bring manufacturing back and while we're at it, hang the traitorous asset-strippers down the Mall.

  9. Jim, I don't know why he was carrying a Tok but he was, maybe some kinda fascination with SovCom weaponry? Anyway, it didn't get fatal, thank God.

  10. "Jogga." I cracked up. Surely that's a candidate for the national lexicon.
