Thursday, May 28, 2020

A Bit Of This And A Bit Of That

There's an awful going on. Just for starters, our Leader, the great 45, was censored by Twitter, the odious social media platform, so he's responded by opening them and other lib media publishers up to litigation. 

For goodness sake, @jack, what were you thinking when you allowed one of your leftist minions to "truth check" the President? On fraudulent mail-in ballots, of all things.

Oh look, a savage

Then there's Minneapolis, where the dindus have gone full-on savage because Floyd George was killed by white cops. First off, since when did cops calmly kill someone by kneeling on their neck for many minutes, all the while knowing they were being filmed? Seriously, since when? 

Maybe these were the most stupid cops ever in the history of stupid copdom. It's possible, and it sure looks like bad wickedness. That aside, how's burning your neighborhood down going to improve that?

Good work, George!

To the point, who's paying for it? Surely that wouldn't be George Soros. In the meanwhile, some people are protecting stores from crazed mobs of dindus. Well done, boys!

Young Marxist Meets Old Marxist

Moving on, the UK's in an uproar because Dominic Cummings, aka Mekon, had the brazen temerity to visit his autistic son, quelle gutsinking horror, and New Zealand's Leaderene has signed a pact with China. It may interest you to know that Jacinda Ardern was a "Young Marxist" in her youth. My, how that worm's predictably turned.

Dominic Cummings Who is Awesome

Closer to home, the Hillsboro foodbank's delivering more cartloads of food to the needy than it has been. The needy, you see, have plucked up the not inconsiderable courage to visit the foodbank. No small thing, maybe their meth supply's run out. 

Regardless, I do my bit.

God bless,



  1. Thanks for the update, LSP. Yes, New Zealand may be the next Chinese island. They deserve it.

  2. The sun rises, and the sun sets. We just scurry around, it seems.

  3. 1. Riot against police. Check.

    2. Burn down my neighborhood. Check.

    3. Where's my free stuff???

  4. The weekend is just getting started, LSP. Glad I'm in my little enclave...

  5. The evil overflows. It's like Ghostbusters when the movie kicks it into high gear.

    Imagine, the CEO of tweeter hires such a retarded tool like that for such a position in a public company. The needle is rising rapidly.

  6. LL, they need to vote Jacinda out, and more than a few NZ people would agree. I'm always baffled at the way ANZAC turned rainbow commie. It's been going on for a while, and perhaps CCP cash plays a part, just a thought.

  7. But WSF, never lose hope. The Omnipotence has this in hand and even our scurrying(!) is held for the good.

    That said, wickedness and futility rise to a point at the same time as their opposite.

  8. Infidel, do you remember all those Antifa kids protesting against Soros because his NGO hadn't paid them $15 ph for rioting? There's a video on twitter somewhere.

  9. Things seem to be getting testy, Adrienne. The virus didn't work so now we'll have some "race riots." For goodness sake. But still, an astroturf canon fired too far short of the target.

    Surely the virus should've peaked in August with riots to follow? Someone needs to fire Intel, PR, and everyone between.

  10. "The evil overflows. It's like Ghostbusters when the movie kicks it into high gear."

    Kid, I just laughed. YES.
