Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Team Joe

We all know Joe's the Democrat candidate to go up against 45. He's famous for saying transsexualism's the "greatest civil rights issue of our time," or something pretty much exactly that. As if Biden cared about trannies or anyone else. 

Ask yourself how much this 78 year old millionaire socialist is worth and how much he glommed up when he was Obama's VP. Whole lotta loot, right?

And he's just not there, so everyone's saying another candidate's going to sweep in out of leftfield, save the day and restore the fortunes of the Democrats in the face of Orange Man Bad. Will it be Hillary? Michelle? The demon from Michigan? Kamala Harris?

Who knows, maybe Xi himself will stand. Hey, not as if he doesn't have vested interest with Joe and his son Hunter. But whoever it is you can be sure of this. They will all be in favor of killing babies up to the point of birth and beyond, and in the name of healthcare, bizarrely.

That in mind, think of Marina Abramovic as cultural attache to the world, backed up by Arch Satan Cecile Richards. Coz nothing says women's rights louder than infanticide. Note, the Devil's always demanded sacrifice and the more innocent the better. But perhaps this is a dark reflection, somehow morbid. So I'll leave you with Corn Pops.

That's our Joe, no malarkey!

Your Old Pal,



  1. We are in "interesting times", aren't we?

  2. Well, as long as there is no Malarkey..

  3. Hillary is making her move for the VP slot.

    Once Biden takes office, he's on borrowed time.

  4. I have a bet with my husband that the Dems will convince Michele Obama that she has to run as they know she would sweep the election. She will do it as her patriotic duty, and then Barack will rule for another 8 years. Frightening!

  5. Folks could have some fun with thatavatar website.

  6. If we were friends on FB, you would see how shamelessly I am stealing.

  7. Much like 2016, the polls are showing the liberal pinko commie presidential candidate as leading by 6 or 8 points at this point in the cycle. And when the votes are counted, the liberal pinko commie lost by an electoral landslide in 2016, and I suspect we will have similar results in 2020.

    The Wuhan Red Death notwithstanding.

  8. Hey, Voice in tha Desert here. Yeah Biden, love him or hate him (1) usually refers to civil rights as the greatest civil rights issue of our time. And while claiming it’s something else because it’s “something pretty much just that” (sic.) may fly with some, in reality it feels more like an opinion born of LSP’s dread and ongoing fascination with trans culture. (2) He may be filthy rich but he’s no more a Socialist than your dreaded golden emperor, a catch-all term for LSP it seems. Remember, Biden beat out the Socialist candidate?

    Lots of sprawling and interesting non sequiturs in this one though, all over the map, and great graphics, (although my favorite performance artist is deeply out of focus if not merely out of context. Blimey, I’d marry her if I could, so smart, so hot). One wonders, Where do you find the time? Or maybe these are just scoffed off various conspiracy-thinking “art” sites at random.

    Xi, abortion, conceptual art, trannies. A real dogs breakfast of fascinating wonders. That’s why I love this site.

  9. Kid, that has to have been the stoopidist campaign ever.

  10. I'm not a betting man, Julie, but there's odds on that.

  11. I was thinking exactly that, Jim.

  12. Must sort that out, Ed. And steal away!

  13. I think you're right, Fredd, Red Death regardless. Strange, isn't it, how the comlibs keep firing 1 mile shots at a 2 mile target.

  14. GL, Biden's on the record with:

    “Let’s be clear: Transgender equality is the civil rights issue of our time” (https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/joe-biden-transgender-equality-is-the-civil-rights-issue-of-our-time)

    More here: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/joe-biden-transgender-memoir-foreword-sarah-mcbride-book-a7983386.html

    Here: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/joe-biden-transgender-rights_n_2047275

    And everywhere else. It's a common and fakey slogan he's adopted to appeal to the rainbow left. I didn't bother to link to it because it's common knowledge. You might have looked it up before having a shot.

    Millionaire Socialist? Well sure he is, in the old days we called them "limousine liberals," remember? Sure, he beat the more honest Millionaire Commie who, btw, was kicked outta the commune for ripping off people's food. Look it up.

    Non sequiturs? Ahem, name one.

    "Xi, abortion, conceptual art, trannies. A real dogs breakfast of fascinating wonders. That’s why I love this site."

    Now I'm laughing! Cheers, mate.

  15. ED, sent fbook thing... just btw.

  16. Hey, gL, raising a glass to you right now. Btw, just cooked up some NAAN. Check it out, easy and delicious. (roll the dough thin... or not, no "rule.")
