Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Holy Tuesday Reflection

The many art philosophers who read this lighthearted mind blog might enjoy the Visual Commentary on Scripture (VCS). Here's an excerpt on James 1:12-27 from the VCS Holy Week series:

Another letter—the Letter of James—also highlights a choice between pathways, and Clare Carlisle Tresch’s exploration of its first chapter with the help of three works of art returns us to a consideration of ‘light’. James’s hearers are to ‘put away filthiness’ (James 1:21) and receive the gifts that come from ‘the Father of Lights’ (v.17). 

The self-enclosure of Narcissus in Caravaggio’s baroque painting has led him to turn away from the light. He is mesmerised by his own reflection, captive in the black depths of a pool. By contrast, the contemporary work of landscape sculpture by David Wood faces upwards from the waters on which it floats, fully open to the light ‘from above’ (v.17). 

The third work, a Renaissance panel by Fra Angelico, envisages what Jesus’s followers may hope for at the end of the path well chosen: the reward of those who have become ‘children of light’. They have followed the way of the cross, ‘the wisdom of God’, by which the circle of self is broken open and an encircling glory offers its embrace.

An encircling glory offers its embrace. I love that.

God bless,



  1. Good reminders, and art DOES bring the scriptures to life!

  2. I like that site, LSP. Thanks for pointing the way.

    I'm out doing some holy tree pruning and picking up branches blown down in wind storms. I'm thinking Good Friday will be an appropriate day to light a huge burn pile.

  3. I think it's a very good resource, NFO. Out of King's London, well done.

  4. A huge burn pile on Good Friday? Great idea, Adrienne, and a bit Easter Fire with it, nice.

  5. Please permt a bit of sarcasm/humor. If this virus continues all year, many Christmas and Easter Christians will miss church all year.

  6. @Well Seasoned. And many "High Holiday" Jews.

    In case it slips my mind, Happy Easter (ahead of time).

  7. The many Art Philosophers?... Excuse me, sir! There is but one in this posse of brilliant minds!

  8. Juliette, I stand corrected!

  9. WSF, if they don't get their act together it's...
