Monday, April 20, 2020

Fishing The Pandemic

So what's it like to fish in the scyfy dystopia that is our new normal? Good question, and rather than rely on some kind of "news" channel I went to the lake to find out for myself.

First up, Soldiers Bluff wasn't an option, "Park Closed," said the sign. Undaunted, I made my way to the other side of the dam. Another fail, you could get there but the pier was shut, blocked off by police tape. 

You Can't Fish Here. Thanks, China.

Thanks a lot, China, I was looking forward to fishing the pool, but no. I stared out at the mighty Brazos, streaming its way towards Waco, Houston and the sea under a big Texan sky. Would the ChiCom Plague, this Pandemic, defeat the expedition? 

Wytche Way?

No, it would not, so I drove to the marina, which wasn't blocked off by police tape and threatening signs. Boating's still allowed you see, at least here, and I set up on the pier and fished away. It was slow going and then, just as I was getting ready to pack it in for a bad game of soldiers something took the hook.

Get A Haircut Hippy. Oh, You Can't. Good Work, China

Bam! Rod double, line out action as a monster, maybe a shark, took the bait and ran with it, and run it did, right around the cleaning station. Diving, pulling, thrashing action and I was hoping for a big cat but up came a Leviathan Carp Buffalo. 

China Eats Carp  Buffalo. I Don't. Back You Go

A passing fish head helped me pull the beast out. "Well lookit that," exclaimed my gap-toothed new pal as we looked in wonder at the Carp Buffalo, "They'd be all over that in Russia. On a light little rod too. I reckon I'll just fish this here pier for a few minutes."

The Compound

The prehistorically scaled Carp Buffalo went back to fight again another day and I went back to the Compound in the sun, mission accomplished. So what's it like to fish the Pandemic? Not bad at all.

Tight Lines,



  1. That's not a carp, it's a Buffalo. No barbels (whiskers) on Buffalo.
    Peace in Jesus!

  2. Thanks, Lqke City. I stand corrected!

  3. Yep, Buffalo. And up here you're hard pressed to find enough room to dip a hook. ALL of the lakes are full of fishermen around the shore. Even our little 'pond' here in town. Somebody pulled at least a 3-4 lb bass out of it yesterday.

  4. NFO, I need to get to the water earlier and more often. I sense a big opportunity and yes, I corrected the Carp mistake. Buffalo it was.

    Ye Gods, what a fighter!

  5. Well done, guy with a buffalo!

  6. Jenny, it came as a shock!


  7. Replies
    1. Resembles a carp, WSF, but different. Native to N. America, apparently. They get BIG.

  8. Pandemic hair style.

  9. Good to see you engaging in one of the traditional skills of the first disciples to be called by our Lord Mark 1:16-20 'Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men...'

  10. That one photo reminded me of a quote from the late, great Yogi Berra. "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

  11. What the hell is a Buffalo fish? I see Well Seasoned has the same question.

    Anyway - I agree with throwing him back to fight another day.

    Glad you finally found a place to fish. Closing up fishing holes is just plain dumb.

  12. They're great big monsters, Adrienne! I only ever catch them by accident but it's game on when you do.

    And right, I was looking forward to fishing dam...
