Thursday, April 30, 2020

A Confederate Speaks

You will notice the General speaks in similar tones, albeit colonial, as the Queen. Therein lies an edifying sermon, but listen to this man who fought in the War of Northern Aggression. 

Note "probably fortunate, maybe unfortunate... we charged them." And "right in the midst of the sermon..." and more. Now think of this. When Julius was a boy, his Grandparents most certainly remembered 1776.

Here's the thing, State's Rights. For some of us that may well be a Communist dictatorship. Michigan, apparently, is of that kind. CW2?

Your Old Friend,



  1. He does sound like the Queen!

  2. There was a certain grace in past generations that is missing in much of ours.

  3. Interesting. The oldest relative that I knew was my maternal great grandfather who was born in 1868 and lived to 1965. He remained mentally sharp right up to the end. As LL commented there was indeed a certain to that generation and he personified that. It was interesting to have known a man whose presidents ranged from Johnson to Johnson.

  4. In a world without TV, radio or smart phones diction mattered.

  5. Michigan. An egregious overreach. The legislature said no extension and she said "screw you".

  6. Outstanding recording.

  7. Hey, Vox inna Desert here.

    A war fought over States Rights “to uphold slavery” is the widely regarded definition you’re looking for, and by that we mean definition, not an opinion. The key here is what LSP aptly glosses over: it was a war to end the slavery of black people. Maybe arranging the words a little differently will help: It was a conflict waged by the Union against a Confederacy which had seceded in hopes of maintaining the social and economic status quo of the human slave trade. Romanticise it all you want.

    The Queen, God bless her, would never approve although some in MIchigan do and they’re not having it. To them it’s politics not prudence and they’re flying Confederate flags up in Lansing even as their communities now surge with covid cases as a result, the new hotspot.

    I answer to others so I continue to write.

  8. Juliette, it's the old voice. Which I love.

  9. So true, LL. Not lacking in the DLC Mess, obvs.

  10. That's a heckuvva thing, Jim. And I mean that.

  11. ED, looking interesting in MI.

  12. The Queen, gL, is a well known friend of Jefferson Davies.

    Could you repeat yourself in simpler language? Thanks.


  13. As a resident of the Great Lake State, with family in the medical profession, I can state with all certainty from first hand reports that the Kung Flu numbers are greatly exaggerated.

    In the old days (two months ago), if you had liver cancer and died due to dehydration or malnutrition, your death certificate said you died of cancer. If you had HIV, caught pneumonia in the hospital and died, your death certificate said you died of HIV. Now, if I drive to the corner store for a six pack of PBR's get T-boned on the way there and then test positive for the Kung Flu, that's what I died of.

    Sheer lunacy.
