Thursday, March 12, 2020


All for the Cause, eh? 

Stay calm, please don't buy up all the Andrex, and Cav is King. Apart from artillery and the Black Watch, obvs.



  1. It's a catchy tune, well suited for the cavalry.

  2. Maybe, but Rangers Lead The Way.

  3. All cav is air or armored nowadays. I was in armored back in '71. There is a mounted color guard at Ft. Riley however. Whenever we're both doing the same events I like to visit with them. The members really seem to enjoy the duty.

  4. Had to look up Andrex. I have some friends and when they were running low on TP she headed over to Costco to do a regular shopping trip. NO TP! She is ticked off. I offered to share what I had with her and her family. This is nuts.

  5. It is nuts Adrienne. We have an adequate supply, but today the wife gets a call from her sister in KC that the shelves were empty and they were low, so I get to run back into town(a small community 40 miles out) where I got her a couple of four roll packages. Not the brand she wanted but tough.

  6. I was a lowly infantryman, Jim, but in later life grew to command a sizable if irregular cavalry force.

    Dismounted now, because I smashed my hip thanks to a mad Arab. I feel that'll change 'round about June.

  7. Adrienne, it's BIZARRE.

    Almost as if they hadn't been listening to warnings from LSP et al to "prep up" months or weeks ago. OK, no TP for you, Walmartians.

    On a slightly different theme, my separated friend in Calgary who works health admin tells me it's a "sh*tshow" -- not least at supermarkets where they've deployed cops and lines stretch round the block.

    Kyrie Eleison.

  8. Panic buying here, Jim. But the Compound's well prepped. LL's selling organic TP, did you see?

  9. Gerryowen
    Old tune way before the 7th Cav.

  10. It is indeed a nice tone to catch up and remind ourselves not to overbuy the toilet paper stock! Seriously though, amidst all the other commodities running out of stock, this would be the worst. Imagine sitting and doing the business only to panic that you have run out of TP... For Garry Owen in Glory!
