Thursday, March 26, 2020

A Beautiful Spring Evening But Don't Forget Detroit

Here we are on a beautiful Spring evening in North Central Texas. Peacocks shriek, roosters crow, fierce robins face-off against marauding squirrels and Mexican music fills the air as Eduardo tends to the neighboring chicken operation. 

All good, nature obviously rejoices at the Kennedy Center's $25 million gift, which you can read about on Virtual Mirage, LL's gentle and tolerant news portal. But of course things aren't so good, Kennedy Center pork notwithstanding, as the Chinese Virus starts to lay hold of the DFW metrosprawl. Then there's Detroit.

A Typical Detroit Street Scene

Detroit, America's onetime thriving Motor City has the highest rate of contagion outside of New York and New Orleans. Who would've thought it? Spare a prayer for the hapless city and its declining population.

Pre-Virus Detroit. Now It's Shut

But enough doom and gloom, it should be dry enough to get out to the range tomorrow for some plinking, or maybe fishing. We must thank God for his many mercies.

This Old Gentleman is Resting

Train hard, think positive, fight easy,



  1. You have peacocks there? Disgusting birds if they're running wild. Kinda like the Canada Geese that winter here. Very obnoxious.

    25mil for an operation that is specifically called for in it's charter to be funded only by public donations.

    Pelosi and her crowd are like peacocks. Bright plumage, loud annoying continuous squawking, and huge piles of excrement wherever they've been...

    Be safe, and don't step in it!

  2. drjim, the birds belong to the neighbors! Thank God. Peacocks sure kick up a racket. Not unlike the Pelosians.

    God bless!

  3. Detroit - THE most progressive city in America.

    Old Gentlemen need their rest...they're practicing for eternal rest. DFTR.

    1. Well said, LL, and Blue's starting to slow down. Of course he thinks he's a young dog...

  4. Go out and about whilst you still can because having that curtailed is not fun.

    BoJo has it now.

    Bloody thing, it is.

    1. I saw this morning, Jules. Dam.

      Be safe. I might go fishing now.

  5. Still, I guess I'd take Detroit over a dead-end-Texas Walmart town any day. My people fled those places for good reason.

    1. Apart from KC and Marcelle, GL. But whatev, you should visit, not a bad place to be at all. Close enough to Dallas and far enough away.

      Also, I'd hesitate to talk about anywhere in N Cent Texas being "dead-end."

      Compare economic & pop stats with Detroit and then hit yourself over the head with a large stick of irony.

    2. KC and Marcelle? They did flee. Right to, ahem, Dallas.


    3. Wasn't that from Corsicana, GL? Or were they somewhere in between?

      Anyway, you're being ridiculous. I would swap Hillsboro for the 'sprawl unless I had to. And anyway, WHEN was the last time you visited a country town in Texas?

      Driving through one doesn't count, btw.
