Monday, February 3, 2020

Thunderstruck Yet Again - Not Tired Of Winning

The Iron Duke, Wellington, said of the Battle of Waterloo that the Frenchmen "came on in the same old way and we beat them back,  in the same old way." Looks like that applies to 45 in the latest coup attempt by the impeachmenteers. I'd say this infovideo's on point.

This too.

MAGA 2020.

Your Pal,



  1. Yep! Trump running unopposed in Iowa and still almost 30K peeps showed up to support him.


  2. Bet the Iowa residents are grateful it is over. Imagine having to duck all the political hustlers as you go about your daily life!

  3. I'm there with WSF. There must be a relief in Iowa that the hustlers are moving on. And they won't be back for another four years. Iowa only matters to them for that brief window in time. The Democrats are working to remove the electoral college, and that would mean that no Iowa vote would matter again - ever.

  4. They sure don't have anyone that can beat DJT at this point.

  5. Ugh now I'm gonna have that stupid AC/DC song in my head all day. Thnx.

  6. Adrienne, could the Dems have been more pathetic in Iowa? Remarkable.

  7. You have to feel sorry for them, WSF.

  8. They're not happy with the electoral college at all, LL. Will they manage to disenfranchise the great majority of the country in the name of democracy? If Iowa's any indication they might not have the necessary organization to pull off a coup on that scale. But what am I saying, look at their overwhelming success with Mueller Time and the Impeachment Hoax. So perhaps there's hope.

  9. I don't see anything like a viable candidate, Kid. Will Michelle swoop in?

  10. It is catchy, gl. Here, maybe this will help:

  11. Michelle will be seen as a chance to re-elect Barry for another 8 years. To me, that's the scary one.
