Friday, February 7, 2020

The Sheer State Of Socialism

Via Anon:
The Left is dead and like all dinosaurs the fact that it is dead takes a long time to reach the brain. History has turned. The paradigm has shifted. The old elite is hemorrhaging power and authority. The elite-led Parisian revolt of 1968 is now an ideological busted flush.
The Parisian revolt of 2020 is not led by the elite. It has not arisen from the Sorbonne, it has not been hyped by the media or the Universities and is a threat to the globalist left as much as it is a revolt against global capitalism. 
The West stands on the brink of a new Philosophical and Intellectual dawn, free from the twin ideological tyrannies of the Post-Modernism and Marxism.
The Democrats like the British Labour Party will be out of power for at least a decade, if not a lot longer. Unless they purge their parties of the extremists, racists and nutters they will remain unelectable. If they cannot be reformed then they are finished as mainstream political parties.
I'd say Anon has a point but feel free to discuss.

Your Comrade,



  1. I think the commie/libtards picked the wrong time (is there ever a right time?) to crawl out of their dank little closet and declare socialism/communism as the way forward. They badly misjudged the reception they would get. And, frankly, I'm a bit surprised by the push back.

  2. Don't dismiss the left; they make mistakes, absolutely. And sometimes they learn from them, and sometimes they don't. But they aren't going away, and are not going to change their evil ways and reform to the straight and narrow.

    Much like you can't expect the devil to find that things are not going his way, and decide to be good. Doesn't work like that. The devil will find ways to disguise his evil ways, and make no mistake; the left will as well.

  3. I agree with Adrienne (above), that the full court press on President Trump and the attack on the Constitutional rights of the American people have been ill timed. They thought that Barack would lead us to that communist utopia and blaze the trail for others (like Bernie and Liz, I guess) would follow.

    The Green New Deal is a loser. The Communist ideal, give all your money to the government and they'll decide what's best for you, doesn't resonate.

    Anon has it locked in.

  4. My 'fear' if you will, is that they will not go quietly, but will 'try' to incite civil war 2...

  5. But will the Democrats give up their hold on power PEACEFULLY? That is the scary question.

  6. The problem for left thinkers in democracies since 1968 is that many equality battles were formally won years ago, but a substantial number remain unsatisfied and unhappy. This has resulted in personal neuroses being elevated into matters of national importance, forgetting economic justice or the need to protect the poor in the process. From a British perspective, the current Government has more radical policies regarding the family, education, the sexualisation of minors and increasing legal and police-backed attacks on Christians than were contained in the manifesto of the now defunct British Communist Party in 1983.

  7. Adrienne, I'm 100% with you on that. It seems weirdly fated.

  8. Fredd, I can't and won't argue with that.

  9. I think so too, LL. And go figure, they never thought Hillary would LOSE.

  10. They surely will, NFO. But take a look at their, ahem, "soldiers" and find solace. Seriously.

  11. Infidel, the fury of a Brigade of Juicy! Smollett's is terrifying.

  12. That, BR, is an excellent point(s).
