Sunday, February 23, 2020

On This Day

Total Respect.



  1. What a nightmare that was.

    Mustang recently posted a good write-up on this.

    <a href=">Operation Detachment - Battle For Iwo Jima</a>

  2. Yes indeed, LL. It surely was.

  3. Kid, I've read that history before and I read it again. Words can't express.

    On a slightly lighter theme, I knew a man in Dallas some years ago, a modernist architect. We were having a social beer 'round the grill at my parent's place. I noticed a some faded tattoos and that good chunk of his left forearm was missing. "How'd that happen?" I asked, "Guadacanal and Iwo Jima."

    He remarried late in life to a woman who collected stuffed toys and they were happy.
