Thursday, February 20, 2020


Three and a half years and a $20k fine for process crimes coming out of the bogus Russian collusion investigation. Outrageous and yet another testament to our two-tier justice system.

Stone has the chance to appeal for a new trial. I hope he gets it and the preposterous case against him brought on by the Mueller gang is thrown out.

Whether corrupt partisan judge Amy Berman leaves the bench for a slot on the View remains to be seen. In the meanwhile...



  1. Yep, McCabe walks and Stone gets this??? Really???

  2. The judge sent him home after sentencing him. My hope and sense is that she'll grant him a new trial.

  3. Well, it is immediately obvious that the judge is a democrat. Looks like she crawled out of a moist tent in the woods, decided she had a shower last week and doesn't need one today, then combed her hair with the partially stiff and detached tail of a dead ferret. The earrings haven't been out in years, they're now welded in place. I won't elaborate on what is beneath that black tarp she's wearing.

    If I may, I'm thinking a 3 tier justice system:
    -We the people - bottom of the food chain
    -Republicans - always open season
    -democrats and federal "workers" - top of the food chain.

  4. I'm with Trump, I'd rather see him exonerated.
    But it costs money.
    I wonder what Stone wants.

  5. My thoughts entirely, NFO. Outrageous.

  6. Hope so, LL. And Trump's clearly hinting at a pardon, so maybe this travesty'll be put right.

  7. With you on the 3 tier, Kid. Then there's "Amy," right in the midst of things. Check out the link to the article in The Hill, good piece, imo.

  8. Good question, Ed. They really did a number on that guy.

  9. I'm with you and LL on that, WSF.

  10. Good grief - I'm almost ten years older than that wench. Someone hasn't been imbibing in good skin care products. Or, all those ugly feminazi commie/libtard thoughts have aged her.

    Every time I see "free Roger Stone" it's translated in my little pea brain to freestone peach.

  11. Adrienne, Amy doesn't look so good. is this an outward and visible sign of an inward and spiritual malaise?

    Roger Stone needs to go free. He wears a homburg, what a rocker.

  12. Why do we even bother paying taxes or obeying the law anymore? The United Sates government is invalid and has lost all right to any allegiance from its people.

    Sooner or later a critical mass will develop and all hell will break loose. What kind of government replaces the US waits to be seen.

  13. Homburgs are nice, but I prefer an classic Borsalino. It's all my dad would wear. Now you can't wear one until you shell out over $300.00.
