Saturday, February 29, 2020

Behold The Face Of Disney And Satan

This is Disney's first ever openly partnered lesbian character, a cyclops policeperson called Officer Specter.

You'll notice Specter stands in front of a crescent moon, signifying Islam, and has a horn, something missing from classical cyclopean portraiture. Could it be that the curiously named Specter is the victim of gender reassignment surgery gone disastrously wrong?

Regardless, the ancient race of Cyclops were notoriously known for their drunken brutality. Are Disney and Pixar issuing a sub rosa warning against trans dyke cops? Some would call it a hate crime and you can sign the petition here.

In related news, Drag Queen Story Hour continues apace, here's an infovideo:

Wow. What kind of parents would do that to their kid. Look, if you can, at their gleeful faces as degeneracy cavorts in front of a child. "Better," says the Gospel, "that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones." (Luke 17:2)

With that in mind, we have to ask who and what is the driving force behind this hatred of children and their innocence. Perhaps "Specter" is telling, it connotes a wraith or spirit of evil aspect and intent. That would be our enemy, Satan.

Defende Nos,



  1. Schools aren't the problem. Drag Queens and other freaks aren't the problem. Parents are the problem.

    Satan's doing laps.

  2. I have read that Spider Man has officially come out of the closet and is a rump ranger. Glorifying evil is about the only thing that the left does. And they're mighty proud of it.

  3. And Disney used to do such wonderful stuff.

  4. Jim, they did wonderful stuff before they "woke".

  5. The expression "rump ranger" is new to me, LL. And now it isn't, forgive me if I quote you.

  6. Didn't they just, Jim. Mind you, was Walt a pedo?

  7. Walt was a 33rd degree Mason, also refer to this:

  8. What are the NM pins on the collar points of the cyclops thing? Also, notice the image to the left is meant to signify a police officer with the aviator dark glasses and the "smokey" hat. Then, notice it has pig ears. I definitely believe this to be a dig at law enforcement. Sorry to say we purchased VHS tapes of Disney back "in the day" for our children, but we are totally through with anything Disney now.

  9. Rosa Klebb was in SPECTRE and the resemblance, apart from the one eye and horn, is startling.

    Office SPECTRE is Rosa Klebb in either a very cunning or a really bad disguise.

  10. Doktor, some years back I was invited to Walt's creepy little club on a journo ticket. I went and had a good night, there in Orlando. But what a weird place, it had all these drawings and photos of children on the wall, just like Walt left them when it was his private club.

    Unsettling, to put it mildly.

  11. kathomp, it's most definitely an attack on our police and sexuality itself. I say we resist their drive to turn us into genderless slave drones of the NWO.
