Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Virginia State Of Emergency

So what's the score? Governor Ralph "Minstrel" Northam's declared a "state of emergency" and banned guns from the state Capitol this Friday through Tuesday. He's afraid a Second Amendment demonstration on Monday's going to turn into an "armed insurrection."

Well now, it might just possibly become exactly that because Virginians who are already enraged at Minstrel's virtue signalling, Bloomberg paid-for gun grab aren't going to obey Governor Blackface Northam. 

No, they'll go to Richmond armed. And they'll do so because they believe a free citizenry is free to defend itself against tyranny. Not least from its own government.

2A justification aside, what does Minstrel hope to achieve by this posturing, is he trying to provoke a showdown? Possibly, "Just look at all those white supremacist Nazis, with guns! Good thing we've got the National Guard to shoot them all before some kind of goddam Richmond beer hall putsch!"

And that's just it. Since when are Virginian LE and the Guard going to fire on their brothers and sisters in defense of some fraudulant, MillSoc, Bloomberg pawn mountebank? I'd say never, I hope, and Minstrel has to know it.

So what's the score? I'd argue political theater and dangerous brinksmanship on Minstrel's part. He doubtless believes in gun control to the extent that he blackface believes in racial equality. What an utter fraud. 

The 2A crew are different, they really do believe and guess what? They know how to shoot. Poke that tiger at your peril. 

#VCDL forever,



  1. The ass of a Governor has painted himself in a corner. I don't see a positive outcome in Virginia.

  2. I wouldn't count on the Virginia National Guard NOT to fire upon its fellow citizens. Just as I wouldn't trust any deputy or sheriff to defend 2A rights. They work for the state and will do what the State tells them.

  3. The government has attempted to ban drugs. How did that work out?

    The government is the people and while I admit that the Old Dominion slept while traitors and mountebanks gained control of the legislature, I suspect that there will be a different outcome in the next election.

    Does that mean that Virginia might go for Trump? Might. I think that a lot of complacent people woke up.

  4. D☭mocrats - the enemy within.

  5. A college education just can't fix stupid.

  6. Of course there's a state of emergency. He created it.

  7. Juliette, some say Meghan's a simpering little LA fraud. Others again say Give Kate Canada.

  8. Yes indeed, Jim, that he did.

  9. Pewster, I nearly choked on my claret.

  10. I saw that, AOW. Surely they've gone way too far and made a BAD error in gauging the mood of the state?

  11. Sure looks that way, LL. Maybe Virginians are waking up to the fact that the old party of the South ain't what it used to be. And "traitors and mountebanks"? YES.

  12. A close run thing, Infidel. Mind you, plenty of state 2A sanctuaries. We'll see.

  13. Sure looks that way to me, WSF. What a virtue signalling, Bloomberg shill jackass. To say nothing of traitor and mountebank.
