Friday, January 10, 2020


I was moved by this, via Borepatch:

For every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there is the instant when it’s still not yet two o’clock on that July afternoon in 1863, the brigades are in position behind the rail fence, the guns are laid and ready in the woods and the furled flags are already loosened to break out and Pickett himself with his long oiled ringlets and his hat in one hand probably and his sword in the other looking up the hill waiting for Longstreet to give the word and it’s all in the balance, it hasn’t happened yet, it hasn’t even begun yet, it not only hasn’t begun yet but there is still time for it not to begin ...
                                  William Faulkner, Intruder In The Dust

Let's hope; deputization in the Old Dominion.

#2A Sic Semper,



  1. It would be an American tragedy if the Virginia legislature acted unconstitutionally and it led to the sort of trouble that we see. But it did happen before. People don't read history and they are not good at gauging the American public as they sit in their coastal high rises, surrounded by armed guards, or sit in their mansions, surrounded by armed guards.

    The elites are our betters. If you don't believe me, just look at all of the YouTube videos of Bloomberg recently hitting the Internet. He'll explain it to you from his Gulfstream high over fly-over country. He wants to help peons like you, LSP. He feels sorry for your gun-owning self and wants you to love Big Brother.

  2. This situation will be closely watched by the gun grabbers. If it doesn't blow up, it will be duplicated elsewhere starting in my home state, CO, with the (P)regressives in control of the legislature and all high state offices. They don't have a supermajority, yet, but are arrogant enough to move ahead with their agenda, consequences be damned, IMO.

  3. Bloomberg surrounds himself with armed security. We less important folks rate none.

  4. Communism used to be happy gaining an inch a day. Starting with one barry soetoro and his racist white people hating tranny wife, I think they have gone too far too fast.

    The questions are - How many "Americans" are left in our midst and What are they prepared to do.

    The story unfolds.

  5. The fascist elites have over-played their hand, I hope, and some people will overcome their complacency and toss them out of office.

  6. "If it doesn't blow up, it will be duplicated elsewhere starting in my home state...".

    Agreed. As most here well know, the model was Kalifornia, where all of this and more is now well entrenched, the "a salt" weapon laws first going into effect in '93. I hedged my bet back then, registering two rifles that I would most likely be seen in public with. I still have a copy. I keep it taped to the front of my gun safe here in Texas. Those two rifles now have company.

  7. I haven't watched Bloomberg's private jet, socialist infovids, LL, but I probably should. There's a weird disconnect between our millionaire/billionaire socialist elite and the working class they claim to represent.

    But hey, flying in the G6 above the great unwashed is... bubble forming. That might get nasty in Virginia, though I hope not.

  8. I'd say they're playing with fire, WSF, not least on the gun issue.

  9. Jim, the hypocrisy of our socialist, millionaire elite is mindbending.

  10. *Too far too fast?

    Good call, Kid. I think they've swallowed their own marketing and think Portland, Maine, the Village, Austin and the Detroit Free Press somehow stands for the country.

    Big error. Of course they know this, kind of, which is why they want to disarm all the people in flyover country they hate, loathe, fear and despise.

    But whatev, it unfolds.

  11. RHT, I don't think Texas would take kindly to a gun grab. But hey, look at our big cities -- pretty much all lib, all dem, all gun ban, all trans toilet libs. Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin etc.

    Lets hope they don't get their way because if they do, there'll be trouble.

  12. I despair when I see what is happening to my home state.

  13. We'll see how this plays out. I'm somewhat pessimistic

  14. It's got to be painful, AOW... vote those goons out!

  15. I liked your post a lot, Borepatch. But how will it play out? I don't pretend to know, still, it'd be strange if the state legislature succeeded in the face of widespread civil and LE disobedience.

    Calling the National Guard out to arrest their buddies? Really? And all the rest... surely it's more likely for the thing to get held up in the courts ad naus. But what do I know, looking forward to your thoughts.
